So let's expand on memory and memory work. In the fairy world, memory is knowledge. Whereas in the human world, we seem to place more importance on the written word of others over our own personal experience. That is the big difference.
So we have memory transfer between fairies and humans as a form of communication. When you live someone else's memories, those events become your own. Those memories become your knowledge.
The biology is very important to understand, because that allows us to see things from a different point of view and many things to make sense.
The 'little blue light' makes a double of the human girl (or any other mammal) by spending time in the womb. As modern science will tell you, the blood holds the keys to genetics. A drop of blood has all the information in the DNA to replicate a human in the finest detail. All that information is in the menses, which the little blue light is bathed in.
Now one may as well face the fact that the menses is discarded material, and topologically speaking a cavity is a depression in a surface. So what is within the cavity is topologically outside the body. Therefore, the little blue light does not invade the body, nor does it take anything that has not already been thrown away.
That is the making of the double of the human girl. This can only happen if there is a womb.
Therefore, the little blue lights don't make doubles of males, and that is another fact. The process is reversed when it comes to males. The fairy double will envelop (surround) the males in her own womb and condense around him the knowledge (memories) she wants him to know.
I have mentioned engineering domestic animals in this way. How about Cro-Magnon man, Neanderthals and
Homo sapiens? So let's look at evolution in the fairy light.
We have:
* Darwinism with it's survival of the fittest and random mutations.
* Creationism, where a god creates everything.
* Intelligent design.
Quote:Intelligent Design (or ID) is the controversial assertion that certain features of the universe and of living things exhibit the characteristics of a product resulting from an intelligent cause or agent, not an undirected process such as natural selection. Though publicly most ID advocates state that their focus is on detecting evidence of design in nature, without regard to who or what the designer might be, in statements to their constituents and supporters nearly all state explicitly that they believe the designer to be the Christian God. -- Source: Crystalinks
So who are the intelligences behind the design? Who are the designers?
I will leave it to the reader to ponder that one.
Anyway . . .
So the Fairies transfer memories using basic biology.
So lets look at another example that is not the same method. It pays to have comparisons. Let's take a quick look at what are generally called Greys.
They are experts at memories too, but don't do it in quite the same way.
My own experience with the greys was an encounter one evening while putting out the garbage bin on the street. They showed up and and a four-foot tall grey tried to talk with me. A part of "talking" with them is mesmerism.
Now, mesmerism isn't the same as hypnotic suggestion. In mesmerism, the mesmerist will replace some of the target's 'magnetism' with its own. It will take over a certain locations in the nervous system. That is, to my mind, invasive. So it was told to go away in the most impolite of terms. They mesmerise through the eyes, by the way.
Long story short, It was a few weeks later that the grey turned up again. This time it had done its homework and returned with the memories of a human girl. What I mean by "homework" is a simple fact. I can't hurt girls as I was brought up in a time when boys didn't hurt girls, even if they were obnoxious. So that ensured the grey's safety from my hostility, and honestly I find it hard to say "no" when a young lady asks for something.
The interesting thing for me was they grey lived as if those memories of being a young girl as her own. Those memories formed her character so much that the grey stopped being an "it" and became a "her". The degree was such that one would notice a loneliness in the grey. Apparently the girl had an older brother whom she adored. So we found a blank grey and tracked down the brother's memories, and they were 'installed' in the blank.
A gift for her, a big brother,
a gift for him, a little sister.
We did that because I thought the greys had no concept of family, and I thought the experience might do them good. Wednesday, as I called her, disappeared for a few days after that. Perhaps for re-education, I didn't inquire.
Suffice it to say, the greys prefer other, more direct ways of dealing with humans. When a grey looks into your eyes and says, "You will not remember what happens next." well, you don't. By the way, the greys can employ trauma in memory work. The fairies are much kinder in this regard.
So what is memory, and how does it form in the human? Both the fairies and the greys know all about it, memory and how it works is common knowledge.
So here it is, the human memory:
The human memory grows like a snowflake over lives, and is crystalline water. It actually has a blue colour. The growing tips are our talents, such as music. So when we come across a child who shows an effortless ability and call them "gifted", well that is not true, and rather unfair. That child has worked very hard for a very long time on that particular talent. That snowflake memory is built life after life, and is about the closest thing I have seen to the description of what is commonly called "soul".
However, "soul" is said to be immortal, and the snowflake memory is not always so.
Which brings us to the study of trauma.