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The Secret Life Of Fairies -- Revisited from ATS

(03-06-2025, 03:10 PM)Nugget Wrote: That sounds like a parallel universe. ?

I've always had an affinity for rocks and may or may not believe they are sentient.  Wink I may or may not believe they 'speak' to me from the many decorative piles surrounding professional buildings around town, asking for me to take them home.
Hubby just shackes his head and mutters "I can't take you anywhere....".  Rolleyes
I have a three foot section along each side of the 20' walkway to our front door, and each side is lined with hand picked stones that have 'followed' me home throughout the years. My 1,000 gallon pond is also lined with individual hand picked rocks. 

The similarity to the fae does not escape me.... Biggrin

I don't think it is a parallel universe. For me, it is just the land of the fae and the dead. CERN(?) scientists have said a parallel universe, should those things exist, would be almost impossible to reach, so not according to their description.

Rocks are interesting sometimes. They can provide a link to where they came from. In the fairy thread, I mentioned a young deceased girl who was being chased through my hallway in the middle of the night by a man.

She died at a tourist spot I visited, she was still trapped there years after her death. So to get her out of that predicament, I stole a rock from the beach and put it in my pocket to work on later. One of the locals saw me and I got into trouble for taking a souvenir. I didn't bother explaining to him about the dead kid. That same town treats the deceased as tourist attractions -- "such and such a place is haunted" -- it brings in the tourist dollars.

The girl's predicament was such that other deceased people did not want her to leave and kept her there.  The man's appearance in my hallway may have been  him coming to get his property back.

One can scry through rocks and other objects.


ETA: Epilogue.

The young deceased girl had made the relationship with a fairy somewhere back in her history. These girls are generally killed before they have children, a systematic thing by certain powers that be. It was her fairy that organised her rescue. They are reunited now, and the girl has a future. Her fairy will guard her, and keep her out of trouble.

So what are the fairies I refer to over on ATS?

Well, they are Beings who have been here with us for a very long time. But first, what they are not. They are not the little girls with butterfly wings made popular in the Disney movie Peter Pan. They are not "Tinkerbells".

Here is Pat Boone who has the fairies on the farm he has in Ireland. It is a good introduction.


(03-10-2025, 08:08 PM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: So what are the fairies I refer to over on ATS?

Well, they are Beings who have been here with us for a very long time. But first, what they are not. They are not the little girls with butterfly wings made popular in the Disney movie Peter Pan. They are not "Tinkerbells".

Here is Pat Boone who has the fairies on the farm he has in Ireland. It is a good introduction.

I've watched several of his videos and thoroughly enjoyed them!

To be honest with you, I'm having a hard time embracing theconcept of fae-most likely becuse it's so unfamiliar to me. I see  lot of similarities to other beliefs, but the fae having part in creating children or doubles or working with departed spirits so they can heal and choose to come back just isn't resonating.

What about the adult 'seers' that were eliminated? Their souls don't need healing? What about menfolk? Thay can be seers, too.

The young girl who was murdered by her 'lover' wasn't a seer, but needed healing because she was young. Does that mean there is a mission to heal young people who died from trauma? Like using spiritual energy (the fae) for healing? How did becoming aware she was murdered allow her to heal, and why do the 'healed' ones stick around and not move on?

If there is an unseen world of children who died traumatic deaths in the dark ages, then are there also hoards of adults congregated somewhere who also died traumatically?

My mind is kind of spinning trying to grasp the concept.

I still have a couple of pages to read on your ATS thread but needed to take a break and do some thinking.

(03-10-2025, 10:00 PM)Nugget Wrote: I've watched several of his videos and thoroughly enjoyed them!

Aye, Pat knows his stuff.

Quote:To be honest with you, I'm having a hard time embracing theconcept of fae-most likely becuse it's so unfamiliar to me. I see  lot of similarities to other beliefs, but the fae having part in creating children or doubles or working with departed spirits so they can heal and choose to come back just isn't resonating.

You know, the martial artist Bruce Lee used to say "Absorb what is useful". His context was as a suggestion not to religiously confine oneself to any particular style of martial art. Rather learn from others if one finds it useful.

I would suggest it doesn't matter if it "resonates" or not, If not perhaps it is simply a case of; it is not useful to you at this time.

Quote:What about the adult 'seers' that were eliminated? Their souls don't need healing? What about menfolk? Thay can be seers, too.

Well, my view is; I have enough to do dealing just with deceased kids. The thing is, in context of severe trauma, children don't grow up in the afterlife. They stay kids. As a rule, I haven't dealt with well-adjusted deceased kids. I'm not sure what happens to them. I would presume deceased relatives would probably be there for them on the day. One would have to be there to watch what happens to know.

The adults? The Men? On a sinking ship, it is women and children first, and men are last. Refine that further, and you tend to children first, women second, and men third. I only have so much time and need to make choices, prioritise.

Quote:If there is an unseen world of children who died traumatic deaths in the dark ages, then are there also hoards of adults congregated somewhere who also died traumatically?

You will probably find them in the ghettos untill they move on in time.

Quote:My mind is kind of spinning trying to grasp the concept.

I still have a couple of pages to read on your ATS thread but needed to take a break and do some thinking.

Quote:The young girl who was murdered by her 'lover' wasn't a seer, but needed healing because she was young. Does that mean there is a mission to heal young people who died from trauma? Like using spiritual energy (the fae) for healing? How did becoming aware she was murdered allow her to heal, and why do the 'healed' ones stick around and not move on?

Which deceased child in particular are you referring to? The Muslim (Berber) girl?

[quote pid="1876" dateline="1741660821"]

Which deceased child in particular are you referring to? The Muslim (Berber) girl?

The girl of about 16 waiting outside a hotel who didn't have any memory of the man she had been waiting for murdering her.
I'm not giving up on the concept of fairies. It can take my mind longer that most's to crasp foriegn ideaas, so I will be re-reading your thread again and watching some more videos. I have a nagging sense of something I'm missing in your writing and need to learn, but it's just not clicking into place yet.

You wrote "When one thinks in six dimensions, we can look at the spiritual worlds very differently." I am having a hard time understanding six dimensions; I can't quite visualize it in my mind. I'm not dumb, but my formal education is limited and I lack some basic knowledge that sure would come in handy at times! lol 
On the other hand, it was probably my early exit from the public education system that allowed to to consider things our school system insists aren't possible.

I also have a personal bias/aversion to some of the topics discussed that makes reading it difficult, but I WILL read through the thread again!

Well this is strange! Since yeasterday I have occasionally gotten a quick wiff of sulfur. Now , my upbrining assosiates the smell with the devil, and since I couldn't find an obvious source I decided to google it. Here's what I found:
Quote:"Smelling sulfur can have various spiritual and practical meanings. Spiritually, it is often associated with transformation and purification, indicating a readiness to transcend current states of consciousness and embrace a more enlightened perspective.
It can also signify the need for change in one's life, releasing old patterns and habits that no longer serve you.
If you are sensitive to the smell of sulfur, it might indicate a heightened awareness of spiritual energies and vibrations, prompting you to explore deeper levels of spiritual awareness."

Quote:The young girl who was murdered by her 'lover' wasn't a seer, but needed healing because she was young.

Ahh, the young lady who sits on the hotel steps.

Well, the initial situation was; why does she stay there after death? It got me curious. It also annoyed me that the newage shop and the town tourist people were exploiting the girl for the tourist dollar. Kinda ghoulish behaviour if you ask me.

I included that story in the thread because it illustrated a lot of things. Memory for one and the fact that unseen Beings help people more often than people realise.

The girl herself actually didn't need healing. She was stuck in a time-loop one might say. Always returning to her last memory. The problem for her was missing memories. That is what caught her in the loop.

The unseen Being is what caused this by kicking her consciousness out of her body before she was raped and murdered. The only way to kick her out of her body was to take her place. It was the Being who was traumatised and spent fifty years cowering in the old mill.

That town has people visiting for the ghosts, new age people, ghost investigators and so on. They had fifty years to investigate what happened, yet in all that time nothing was done to fix things.

Quote:Does that mean there is a mission to heal young people who died from trauma?

I dunno if there is anything organised. I work alone in the sense of I don't work with any other living people, just the fae. They generally find all the deceased kids for me.

Quote:Like using spiritual energy (the fae) for healing?

Nope, I just work out their problems. That 'holding the baby' exercise is one of the techniques I use. Nothing spiritual in that, just using what I have as an ordinary living human. All my techniques are developed in the field.

Quote:How did becoming aware she was murdered allow her to heal, and why do the 'healed' ones stick around and not move on?

Becoming aware is not an issue, after all, she did not remember being killed. It did not happen to her, so to speak. The girl's issue was missing time.

To "move on" you need somewhere to go. Not everyone wants or needs to go to a "heaven", and there are more than just a few "heavens". Nothing wrong in that. A lot of deceased folks just keep doing what they did in life.

Epilogue: The young lady still sits on those hotel steps, but she has changed. She is no longer waiting for that man to "save" her. I think she is now like a normal teenager who wants to hang out somewhere for something to do.

Quote:You wrote "When one thinks in six dimensions, we can look at the spiritual worlds very differently." I am having a hard time understanding six dimensions; I can't quite visualize it in my mind. I'm not dumb, but my formal education is limited and I lack some basic knowledge that sure would come in handy at times! lol
On the other hand, it was probably my early exit from the public education system that allowed to to consider things our school system insists aren't possible.

6D thinking was to explain navigation in consciousness, and to illustrate that where we have an ideology or religious view of the world as all-inclusive, that some Being made everything, -- well no, no it isn't. One can 'step outside'.

(03-11-2025, 12:03 AM)Nugget Wrote: Well this is strange! Since yeasterday I have occasionally gotten a quick wiff of sulfur. Now , my upbrining assosiates the smell with the devil, and since I couldn't find an obvious source I decided to google it. Here's what I found:

"Smelling sulfur can have various spiritual and practical meanings. Spiritually, it is often associated with transformation and purification, indicating a readiness to transcend current states of consciousness and embrace a more enlightened perspective.
It can also signify the need for change in one's life, releasing old patterns and habits that no longer serve you.
If you are sensitive to the smell of sulfur, it might indicate a heightened awareness of spiritual energies and vibrations, prompting you to explore deeper levels of spiritual awareness."

It ain't a "devil". Other than that, I can only make a generalisation upon what I know of sulphur.

Sulphur, in the words of Austrian born philosopher Rudolf Steiner, is one of the bearers of the spiritual lights. That is to say; a certain spiritual light manifests within the workings of sulphur within the Household of Nature.

Sulphur has a cleaning virtue as a heavy-duty cleanser. I will take some dried yarrow leaves and dust them with powdered sulphur. Then I set it alight. I will then ask politely for the yarrow Nature Spirits to help with the cleansing. The smoke carries the light that works through sulphur into hard to reach places. The reasoning is; in biodynamic agriculture, the yarrow herb is a specialist for sulphur. The Nature Beings of the yarrow plant are the most knowledgeable in this regard.

My personal view of the story of "fire and brimstone", brimstone being sulphur, is some imaginative folk have taken a principal of Nature and used it to scare potential sinners . . .

So I suggest rereading the quoted meanings of smelling sulphur in this light. Someone unseen, perhaps a Nature Spirit might be helping out with spring-cleaning ; )

I've been on a 'spiritual quest' all of my life, it seems. I'm still not completely satisfied with all of the anse=wers I've found so far, but am much more comfortable. Lately, it's been more of a quest to understand what comes after our journey on this plane.

"Prompting me to explore deeper levels of spiritual awareness' is the message I get from my 'sulfur smudge'.

 I've found answers to most of the unexplainable, unusual experiences I've had throughout life, but not all. There's still a connection I feel is missing. I don't know what the missing piece(s) is/are so I don'tknow quite where to look. I feel it's already in my mind somewhere, but that's a pretty big, scary place to be walking around alone in.... Biggrin

(03-11-2025, 06:38 AM)Nugget Wrote: I've been on a 'spiritual quest' all of my life, it seems. I'm still not completely satisfied with all of the anse=wers I've found so far, but am much more comfortable. Lately, it's been more of a quest to understand what comes after our journey on this plane.

"Prompting me to explore deeper levels of spiritual awareness' is the message I get from my 'sulfur smudge'.

 I've found answers to most of the unexplainable, unusual experiences I've had throughout life, but not all. There's still a connection I feel is missing. I don't know what the missing piece(s) is/are so I don'tknow quite where to look. I feel it's already in my mind somewhere, but that's a pretty big, scary place to be walking around alone in.... Biggrin

Perhaps you may find it here . . .

(03-11-2025, 07:14 AM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: Perhaps you may find it here . . .

That is my hope!  Heart 

The brainstorming aspect of ATS helped me emmensely in my quest for puzzle pieces until a few years ago when it turned into a semantics battleground.