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The Secret Life Of Fairies -- Revisited from ATS

I'm sorry, I don't like this thread. I didn't like it on ATS and I don't like it here now.

I don't know any "Faireys", and Fairies don't resonate well with me.

Maybe they exist, and maybe they don't, but either way I could care less.

Sorry, but FUCK Fairies. Sorry.

Tinkerbell shows up on my ranch and she's probably going to be exterminated..

Yes, I'm a hard-ass.

(03-11-2025, 07:15 PM)FCD Wrote: I'm sorry, I don't like this thread.  I didn't like it on ATS and I don't like it here  now.

I don't know any "Faireys", and Fairies  don't resonate well with me.

Maybe they exist, and maybe they don't, but either way I could care less.

Sorry, but FUCK Fairies.  Sorry. 

Tinkerbell shows up on my ranch and she's probably going to be exterminated..

Yes, I'm a hard-ass.
Biggrin  Biggrin  Biggrin

It's OK, FCD. There's plenty of room on both sides of the aisle.

Scientists, physicists and researchers are beginning to discover there's far more to our world and existance than they thought possible. Some are exploring paralell universes and other dimensions; who knows what they'll find?

As someone who's had 'paranormal' experiences since the age of four believing our views of what life is at it's root is all wrong comes naturally. 

I'm glad you chimed in; you're certainly not alone in your views.  Beer

(03-11-2025, 07:15 PM)FCD Wrote: I'm sorry, I don't like this thread. I didn't like it on ATS and I don't like it here now.

I don't know any "Faireys", and Fairies don't resonate well with me.

Maybe they exist, and maybe they don't, but either way I could care less.

Sorry, but FUCK Fairies. Sorry.

Tinkerbell shows up on my ranch and she's probably going to be exterminated..

Yes, I'm a hard-ass.

So ya know FCD, I started this thread so Nugget, and anyone else could clarify their understanding of a subject she is interested in.

This might be the "mud pit", however "FUCK fairies" is simply impolite, and I can tell you right here and now: I can easily spend the time I spend here doing other things I enjoy more.

(03-11-2025, 08:22 PM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: This might be the "mud pit", however "FUCK fairies" is simply impolite, and I can tell you right here and now: I can easily spend the time I spend here doing other things I enjoy more.

I don't know how it is in other parts of the world, but in America it seems every generation wants to break the tabus of the previously generation in the most shocking way possible, thus 'colorful' lnguge was co-opted until it lost all shick value and became common place in every sentence. The 'F' bomb carries no more weight than the words 'puppy' or 'baby' anymore.

Is the topic seriously so disliked one feels the need to leave a vehemently negative comment....or too disturbing? 
Not for me to say, but I do like to try and understand where other people are coming from and how/why they have the views they do.

While much of what you've shared isn't resonating with me, a great deal is and I'm thankful for the time you've shared. Knowledge is one of my most highly treasured things in this world and if it doesn't mean much to me today I've found it can be most valuable years down the road when I've collected more pieces to the puzzle.

If you mix critical thinking with equal parts of abstract thinking you end up with 'weirdo's' who like to talk about scary things like ghosts and fairies. As the tribe continues to expand so will the resistance from traditional thinkers who aren't comfortable with change.


(03-12-2025, 12:12 PM)Nugget Wrote: I don't know how it is in other parts of the world, but in America it seems every generation wants to break the tabus of the previously generation in the most shocking way possible, thus 'colorful' lnguge was co-opted until it lost all shick value and became common place in every sentence. The 'F' bomb carries no more weight than the words 'puppy' or 'baby' anymore.

I've met one or two Americans and never heard them swear. Some of the modern Australian teenagers swear using the f-word, but that is not Australian, it is an imported influence. Most grow out of it. Colourful language is frowned upon in Australia, well at least the parts I have lived in.

Quote:Is the topic seriously so disliked one feels the need to leave a vehemently negative comment....or too disturbing? 
Not for me to say, but I do like to try and understand where other people are coming from and how/why they have the views they do.

I did feel that the subject of creating the fairy double might be confronting similarly to the subject of sex, which is one of the Victorian taboos. However, people do need to understand how babies are made, so it is explained to children at school. Perhaps a similar thing with how fairies are made?

Nudity, is perhaps offensive sometimes. Yet the idea of clothes is essentially a human thing. The wood-nymphs are always naked when visiting here. The older fairies wear clothes, yet that is a human adaption. There is also a link here to the transfer of knowledge, Lilith for example still keeps dropping gossamer fabrics upon me. That is her way of sharing her memories, and in the fairy world memories are knowledge. Humans write and print books as a way of sharing knowledge. The fairies simply do it organically and more efficiently.

Another bone of contention in the fairy thread is the subject of the demonisation of the fairy and other unseen Beings by religions, and in modern times psychology. One of the central themes of the fairy thread was the unjust labels of "demon" and "demonic". I wanted, and still do, to educate people. Contradicting dogma is still humanity's biggest taboo.

To understand trauma and memory, one has to understand the methods used. My understanding was obtained working with deceased children, so that is the context I use to explain it. One must understand the causes of pathology in order to treat it.

The history of human and the fairy relations in recent times is a very dark one, recent meaning the last six thousand years. It is a history of genocide and erasure, and it was not the fairy that instigated that.

In the final analysis, it is always up to the reader to accept or dismiss what was written on ATS. Which I may add was a platform for discussing conspiracies, cover-ups and hidden history. The history of religion has always been a bloody one. ATS always had its 'gate-keepers', and still does.

Quote:While much of what you've shared isn't resonating with me, a great deal is and I'm thankful for the time you've shared. Knowledge is one of my most highly treasured things in this world and if it doesn't mean much to me today I've found it can be most valuable years down the road when I've collected more pieces to the puzzle.

What do you mean by "resonating"?

Quote:If you mix critical thinking with equal parts of abstract thinking you end up with 'weirdo's' who like to talk about scary things like ghosts and fairies. As the tribe continues to expand so will the resistance from traditional thinkers who aren't comfortable with change.

Abstract? Do you mean the 6D world for example?

A tennis ball rolling on the ground has 6Ds. Length X width X height is 3 dimensions, then add inside and outside to give 5D. The sixth dimension is motion/time to give 6D. It is deceptively simple, so I can appreciate the difficulty. Physics, when it talks of "dimensions" is the abstract one, just toss physics out the window as impractical when it comes to understanding the structure of consciousness.

In the fairy thread, and in general, I try to bring the whole subject of the other world, it's inhabitants and how they interact with humans into plain language. I see no need to use occult or scientific terms. I find when people use Hindu and Buddhist terminology in sentences it has no meaning for most people, nor is understanding communicated. One needs examples, one needs to be practical, if one is to venture 'out there' and survive.

Basically, the initial form of 'little blue lights' aside, the subject of the fairy is very biological, and can be accurately explained in that way. No need for complicating things with scientific or religious jargon. Additionally, if one uses actual events for illustration, well, the reader has some context. If one wishes to understand what a so-called 'shape-shifter' actually is and how they do it, for example.

(03-12-2025, 12:12 PM)Nugget Wrote: Is the topic seriously so disliked one feels the need to leave a vehemently negative comment....or too disturbing? 

(smile) I may as well add that I was banned a number of times on ATS for what I wrote. I was also quickly erased from DenyIgnorence for a writing a thread on the subject of The Little People.

There are many myths and prejudices towards the unseen world, and those who live there. I think it's best to dispel these in a logical and structured way. So let's begin our study of the fairy with biology. After all, the fairy is an (ordinarily intangible) biologically structured Being.

I wrote the following over on ATS, originally in the Language of Vampyr thread. The verse is a light-hearted reply to the way of the mystic. An introduction to the way of knowledge, from the fairy point of view.


The Old Man and the Tree of Life

Where is this tree pray tell? Upon which mystic mountaintop did you glimpse such high heavens of arcane knowledge?

Do not waste your time upon the mountain top. If it is the tree you seek, you will not find it there.

The temple? A shrine? Which one? I must know!

That too is a waste of time young man if you truly want to know.

Who has this knowledge? Where are they to be found?

My advice to you young man is to go home and marry your girl. On your wedding night; you will find your tree.

You are mad old man! Nothing do you know!

The young man stomps off in disgust and joins a monastery in the hope that suffering and abstinence will show him the way. The old man simply smiled and went home to his family and evening meal. Some time later the two meet again.

Tell me old man! Where can I find this tree!

The old man thought for a moment.

'Twas the fairy folk who showed me this. . . . .

The fruit of the tree of life . . . .

is hidden . . . .

behind the veil . . . .

of a maiden's skirt.

A maiden's womb is simply the fruit of the tree.

If you want to know the secrets of life young man, go home and marry your girl.


From the point of view of the fairy, the womb has nothing to do with sex, fairies are not interested in that. Rather, from their point of view, the womb is a self-contained universe of stars that can create children, and more importantly, the exchange of knowledge.

"Sex" is the first myth that I would like to dispel in the study of fairies and their relationship with humans. The ability to exchange knowledge is what they are actually interested in.

(03-12-2025, 10:51 PM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: What do you mean by "resonating"?

I'm having difficulty connecting with the concept of fairies. Perhaps because it's such a new, foriegn idea to me.

At least I'm able to sort-of grasp the concept of 6D, although math is not my strong suit.  Biggrin

(03-15-2025, 08:44 PM)Nugget Wrote: I'm having difficulty connecting with the concept of fairies. Perhaps because it's such a new, foriegn idea to me.

At least I'm able to sort-of grasp the concept of 6D, although math is not my strong suit.  Biggrin

I just wondered if "resonating" had some special connotation.

Oh, good you have a grasp of 6D. It is the concept of inside and outside that one uses to navigate consciousness. Some things in the fairy thread are understood in this way.

ETA: One way to look at it is, in the human world, we build streets and highways to navigate our way from place to place. In the other world, one uses consciousness to navigate. Consciousness is always nested, like the Russian dolls.

So one might say that navigating within this world is linear, and navigating within the other world is nested.

Linear thinking vs nested thinking.

Quote:From google:

Nested - adjective

* (of similar objects of graduated sizes) placed or stored one inside the other.
"a set of three nested tables".

* (especially in computing and linguistics) arranged in a hierarchical structure.
"organisms classified in a series of nested sets".

Hope that helps.

(03-15-2025, 09:28 PM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: I just wondered if "resonating" had some special connotation.

Oh, good you have a grasp of 6D. It is the concept of inside and outside that one uses to navigate consciousness. Some things in the fairy thread are understood in this way.

Linear thinking vs nested thinking.

Hope that helps.

Yes! I think I've got it!

When ever I have a problem to work out it will often 'run in the backgroud' when I'm doing mundane tasks, like washing dishes. Most of the time I'm not even aware I'm doing it until the soultion to whatever I've been concerned with becomes apparent. Like when I'm struggling with an art project, suddenly the answer will come to me and only then do zI realize my mind has been working on it the whole time without me even being aware I was doing it-almost like a split mind kind of thing.