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(02-26-2025, 07:57 PM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: Water is said to retain a memory of what has been dissolved in it. A lot of work has been done in this area. I think it will be found that the memory of living things lays in water. For the human, deceased and alive, the formation of memory has a lot in common with the crystallisation process of water. Like a snowflake. Another thread for the future : )
But that does not neccessarily mean that all living memory is water based.
Hmm....amniotic fluid is liquid...memory transfer?
It's been a long time since I've had some good brain food; I'm finding this thread a full-meal deal!
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(02-26-2025, 10:31 PM)Nugget Wrote: Hmm....amniotic fluid is liquid...memory transfer?
Now that is a point, I dunno.
I think you are on to something here.
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02-27-2025, 01:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-27-2025, 01:28 AM by Nugget.
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(02-26-2025, 11:32 PM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: Now that is a point, I dunno.
I think you are on to something here.
Just more spitballing. Another angle to generational memory for consideration?
I never set any beliefs in stone and they've changed a few times through the years as new information comes in.
Another interest of mine has always been medicine, and the number of puzzles that have been solved during just my lifetime has been astounding!
(When are we going to get to the crystal skulls?  )
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(02-27-2025, 01:26 AM)Nugget Wrote: Just more spitballing. Another angle to generational memory for consideration?
I never set any beliefs in stone and they've changed a few times through the years as new information comes in.
Another interest of mine has always been medicine, and the number of puzzles that have been solved during just my lifetime has been astounding!
(When are we going to get to the crystal skulls? )
Oh dear, I don't actually have a crystal skull. I remember reading a Nexus magazine article on them. Quite a few years ago now.
I think the concept of the role the water of the womb plays has merit. Not shadow folk *per se*, but while Mr Swampbuck reviews his ATS material, (hint hint : ) why not.
I did some thinking about what I have read on the subject of memory and the womb. Rudolph Steiner has something to say about memories and the thymus.
What he said was: "the thymus holds the blood of the parents for sustaining the child in the first years of life." Steiner often said that it was the blood was home to the ego. So I would paraphrase Dr Steiner and say the thymus stores the ego material of the parents until the child developed its own independent ego. If memory serves, the thymus begins to atrophy after the first seven years and further in the second seven years and the hormones of puberty.
The thymus forms at about seven or eight weeks if I remember correctly.
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02-27-2025, 11:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-27-2025, 11:40 PM by NobodySpecial268.)
Well now Nugget, you have me contemplating the womb, water and memory.
We have genetic memory, The cell (spermatozoa and ovum) are around 70% water. So that is conception.
In the womb, according to the medical folk the developing child to be, is up near 100% water. It is surrounded.
A baby is said to be around 70% water, and that drops as we get older.
That info was from a quick search on the net.
I would consider making a baby is something that the mother does for the nine months. Father just provides an initial contribution. Mom clearly does all the hard work.
It follows that the paternal is not as strong as the maternal.
So water, water everywhere for the first nine months.
With the fae, the interest is in the maternal linage, and not the paternal. When they trace a linage, it is always through the maternal line. For example, I am Australian for some four or five generations. Yet according to the fae I am Irish because my maternal line is O'Callaghan and came from Ireland. As insensitive as it may sound, in the fairy world the males don't count for much at all. The fae in this case are called the sidhe (pronounced shee) - Properly called the Dana Sidhe they are the children of the goddess Dana (Tuatha De Danann). In Scotland they are called the Sith.
In practice, one would trace the maternal line to find the ancestors. Other lives of the individual are more a sum of the individual lives lived. The sidhe will follow their precious thing (their term for the human of interest) from life to life.
Those guys (fairies) really know a lot about memories, they work extensively in that realm. So very interesting, although their methods are just a tad confronting for modern western sensibilities.
Edit to add: To keep within subject of the shadow people. The fae are well represented. Gnomes account for some encounters, and the fairies can appear as shadows too. I have had my own encounters with the gnomes, and they can be perceived with the physical eye via the rods.
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(02-27-2025, 11:12 PM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: When they trace a linage, it is always through the maternal line.
It's always been that way with indigenous people in the Americas, too. Science finally caught up, with male criminals being apprehended by tracing the mitochondrial roots found in evidential DNA being used to paint a lineage picture.
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(02-28-2025, 05:41 AM)Nugget Wrote: It's always been that way with indigenous people in the Americas, too. Science finally caught up, with male criminals being apprehended by tracing the mitochondrial roots found in evidential DNA being used to paint a lineage picture.
That is, by following the maternal DNA line? Science I mean.
With the fae, the fairies (not "Tinkerbells", but rather the ones who appear just like us size wise) reproduce by division, asexual rather than sexual reproduction. I always had the impression from them that asexual reproduction was the norm and evolution was very slow and dependent on environmental influences. Many species would be lost if something dramatic happened. So they introduced sexual reproduction to speed up change.
(smile) I know that suggests males are not much more than an afterthought. But the idea does explain some male quirks.
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03-01-2025, 03:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-01-2025, 03:14 PM by Nugget.
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(03-01-2025, 08:16 AM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: That is, by following the maternal DNA line? Science I mean.
With the fae, the fairies (not "Tinkerbells", but rather the ones who appear just like us size wise) reproduce by division, asexual rather than sexual reproduction. I always had the impression from them that asexual reproduction was the norm and evolution was very slow and dependent on environmental influences. Many species would be lost if something dramatic happened. So they introduced sexual reproduction to speed up change.
(smile) I know that suggests males are not much more than an afterthought. But the idea does explain some male quirks.
Well, never having seen a fae or fairy (besides Pike Place Market in Seattle) I am not inclined to believe in them any more than I believe in a visiting alien race. I'm open-minded enough to consider the possibility along with also considering more generic explainations.
Asexual reproduction instantly brought worms to my mind....
I've seen and experienced far to many things in my life NOT to believe in 'something' with no explaination is occuring, but my mind goes to it all being a natural part of the universe we just don't understand. Folklore and legends just tell me our ancestors were aware of and experienced the unexplained, too-and created belief systems to explain theise occurrances.
I know my beliefs are in the minority on the world stage, and that's okay; I still find it a fascinating subject and honestly believe some of the facts found in research will never be revieled because one can command extroidinary powers would not be beneficial to the rulingg class.
Sorry; I didn't answer your question. Yes, a male DNA profile can be extremely helpful in solving crime. No DNA from the paternal side is carried down, but the maternal DNA is ound in all of us. A complete profile can be made when running the results through programs like GEDmatch showing every relative on the family tree, for those who have submitted samples of their DNA for tracing their heritage.
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(03-01-2025, 03:05 PM)Nugget Wrote: Well, never having seen a fae or fairy (besides Pike Place Market in Seattle) I am not inclined to believe in them any more than I believe in a visiting alien race. I'm open-minded enough to consider the possibility along with also considering more generic explainations.
Asexual reproduction instantly brought worms to my mind.... 
I've seen and experienced far to many things in my life NOT to believe in 'something' with no explaination is occuring, but my mind goes to it all being a natural part of the universe we just don't understand. Folklore and legends just tell me our ancestors were aware of and experienced the unexplained, too-and created belief systems to explain theise occurrances.
I know my beliefs are in the minority on the world stage, and that's okay; I still find it a fascinating subject and honestly believe some of the facts found in research will never be revieled because one can command extroidinary powers would not be beneficial to the rulingg class.
Sorry; I didn't answer your question. Yes, a male DNA profile can be extremely helpful in solving crime. No DNA from the paternal side is carried down, but the maternal DNA is ound in all of us. A complete profile can be made when running the results through programs like GEDmatch showing every relative on the family tree, for those who have submitted samples of their DNA for tracing their heritage.
Thanks for the explanation, genetics with all the medical terms goes right over my head.
Aye, I can understand that the subject of normally unseen Beings is one of those "I will believe it when I see it" things for everyone. I'm like that with a lot of things; sceptical until I come across it myself, including space aliens from outer space. I have never come across any of those.
On the other hand, The Nature Spirits I have come across, along with the fae. So I can talk about them, but not "aliens". A big story there, I did a thread on them on ATS - The Secret Life Of Fairies. I was going to save it for another day, but since we have been talking about memory here is what a human memory looks like to them:
That is the individual person, over many lives, through the eye's of a fairy. The growing tips are talents such as music. Most humans are like the snowflake and are two-dimensional. That memory can become three-dimensional. It isn't exactly immortal though, as is said of "soul". That is because emotional/psychological trauma can destroy growing tips. They lose their colour and become clear, the memory of misery hangs like a black mist. When we have too many traumatised tips, people begin to develop an antipathy towards living. They stop being born out of fear of being hurt, especially children.
There has been a big campaign in the western world to discourage the belief in many things, especially the normally unseen Beings of the folk lore. Trauma, such as Inquisitions is very effective when used as a tool. Seeing 'shadow people' would get your average medieval citizen burned on a pyre.
Anyway, enough of my waffling. What did you encounter at Pike Place Market in Seattle?
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(03-01-2025, 08:32 PM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: What did you encounter at Pike Place Market in Seattle? I knew I shouldn't have said that! I'm pretty old and back in my youth it was a common term for those of 'other' persusions.
I am going to read through your thread...because I'm always willing to consider things I've never been exposed to before, but I will admit the first thing that came to my mind is "sounds like some form of schizophrenia". Then I tought back to all the other culture's beliefs I've investigated, shamanism, Buddhist Monks, Native Medicinemen/women and how the kids of the 60's were experiencing the same things-with a little help.
I read everthing I could get my hands on during the UFO craze, followed Graham Hancock and others thoughout the ancient alien discoverys, every single Edgar Cayce biik, Chan Thomas, Churchward and even read all of Shirley McClain's books, plus nearly every book she ever mentioned having read herself.
I've got a hell of a mess going on in my head! Might as well add one more piece to the puzzle, eh?
P.S. I'm a really slow reader, and it's a LOOONG thread, so it gonna take me awhile.
P.P.S. I don't think you're crazy.