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Shadow People

(03-02-2025, 07:51 PM)Nugget Wrote: Hey, Nob! I was refering to your thread on ATS. I had a hard time reading past the first two pages because of the subject matter being-disturbing, but I promised to read it so here I am.

I find myself wondering now about a generational trauma element being at play; will that be addressed going forward(on ATS, I mean)? I'm only up to page 12, so have a long way to go. Biggrin

There is a familiarity with much of what you say to sories and legends I've explored, just told in a different light/angle than I've ever seen before. It's becoming clearer as I read on, and I see a few more late nights in my future.

Hopefully the gremlins will let me post replies going forward- or did I upset the fae?  Wink

Did you try to post on ATS? I am not there any more.

If you have not read how the 'fairies' make the double of the human and the nature of the so-called 'shape-shifters' you haven't come to the disturbing parts yet.

From the description of your and ksihkehe's computer problems in posting, I suggest we talk about this on a dedicated fairy thread. I shall make the OP today.

(03-02-2025, 08:00 PM)Ksihkehe Wrote: Sad.

I tried to warn you.

Maybe they're in your browser cache. Did you delete cookies?

Maybe a Mogwai got into the cookies after midnight, hence the Gremlins?

Yes; yes you did! Lesson learned? Probably not. I'm not just a slow reader; I'm also multi-talented.  Biggrin

Hey! It worked perfectly this time! Is there a secret time out feature here members don'y know about?

I have made a thread here in the paranormal forum for discussing the fae. So Nugget, or anyone else, if you would like clarification on what is in the ATS thread, feel free to ask me there.

(03-02-2025, 08:51 PM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: Did you try to post on ATS? I am not there any more.

No,the thread is closed.

Quote:If you have not read how the 'fairies' make the double of the human and the nature of the so-called 'shape-shifters' you haven't come to the disturbing parts yet.
The first couple of pages were hard to read onn an emotional level. I'm up to page 17 now, and it's gotten SO much better!  Biggrin

Quote:From the description of your and ksihkehe's computer problems in posting, I suggest we talk about this on a dedicated fairy thread. I shall make the OP today.
Great plan, Nobody!I DO have questions, but reading further into the thread many are being answered! I will see you there!

The Human Eye -- Rods and Cones.

Michigan Swampbuck has a thread on ATS that goes into the relationship of the shadow people and the rods and cones of the eye. -- Have a read.

Here it is: From Out of the Corner of Your Eye.

So a recap here. There are two types of photo receptor cells in the eye; rods and cones. These are located on the retina and are akin to the idea of film in a camera. These transmit signals to the brain, which interprets what the eyes see.

Quote:Google AI overview:

Rods and cones are photoreceptor cells in the retina responsible for vision. They differ in function, location, and number:


  • Primarily responsible for vision in low light conditions (scotopic vision)
  • Highly sensitive to light, enabling the detection of even single photons.
  • Do not mediate colour vision and have low spatial acuity.
  • Located in the periphery of the retina.
  • Approximately 91-120 million rods are present in the human eye.


  • Function in higher light levels (photopic vision) and enable colour vision.
  • Responsible for high spatial acuity and the perception of fine details.
  • Concentrated in the fovea, the central part of the retina.
  • Three types of cones exist, each sensitive to different wavelengths of light (red, green, and blue).
  • Around 4.5-6 million cones are present in the human eye.


  • Rods are more numerous than cones throughout most of the retina.
  • Cones are primarily located in the central fovea.


  • Rods are crucial for night vision and peripheral vision.
  • Cones are essential for daylight vision, colour perception, and sharp, detailed vision.

So we can see that cones are colour receptors that work in bright light, and the rods are for night and peripheral vision.  The other important point is the cones are more plentiful near the centre of the retina, and rods are more plentiful further away.

So it is not the cones and daylight colour vision we are interested in. What we are interested in is the rods that are responsible for night and peripheral vision.  To see the shadow people, we don't need colour vision. We only need the rods.

Now, the distribution of the rods and cones is important. This is because it explains why we see things out of the corner of the eye, and why they disappear when we look straight at them.

Above. Diagram showing distribution of the rods and cones of the eye.

Above. Microscopic photograph showing the difference in distribution of rods and cones. Left. The fovea of the eye, where cones are concentrated. On the right is the peripheral vision, where rods out number cones. Fovea, by the way, is the medical name for the focus point in the back of the eye.

This brings us to the blind spot.

(note: Images used are widely distributed on the net and cannot be accurately credited.)

(03-05-2025, 05:09 AM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: Michigan Swampbuck has a thread on ATS that goes into the relationship of the shadow people and the rods and cones of the eye. -- Have a read.

Here it is: From Out of the Corner of Your Eye.
Oh, more reading! Yea!  Biggrin 

I took a speed reading class in my younger days but I don't absorb asmuch as I'd like to; it's great for long, boring must-reads though.

Maybe someday AI can automatically put everything I want to read instantly into audio formant.  Biggrin

ETA: Of course it couldn't be a simple as reading MSB's thread; it opened up even more rabbit holes I'm compelled to go down.  Gawd love a duck!

(03-05-2025, 02:49 PM)Nugget Wrote: ETA: Of course it couldn't be a simple as reading MSB's thread; it opened up even more rabbit holes I'm compelled to go down.  Gawd love a duck!

Well, I would suggest that seeing the shadow people (and shadow cats) is no more than child's play, and most, if not all, children can see them naturally.

For us adults, it is a deceptively simple problem, we only have to remember how to do it. And maybe unlearn what the adults told us as children.

(03-05-2025, 09:59 PM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: For us adults, it is a deceptively simple problem, we only have to remember how to do it. And maybe unlearn what the adults told us as children.

I actually think that's where my problems in life started; I knew from a very young age tht adults were expert liars, so I would test everything they told me. Biggrin

On a trip to Mt. Rainier when I was five I was told not to step off the path into the snow because it was like quicksand and I would disapper forever. The minute nobody was looking I stepped in the snow, further cementing my assessment of authority figures.  Biggrin

I know what I know and I know what I see; I don't need anyone to validate the things I've experienced throughout life.  I feel bad for the kids that aren't 'allowed' to believe and endoctrinated into belief sustems that cause further seperation from all the world has to offer.

I did make a long reply, thinking we were on the fairy thread. So I scrubbed it as 'thread drift'.

Quote:I feel bad for the kids that aren't 'allowed' to believe and endoctrinated into belief sustems that cause further seperation from all the world has to offer.

The shadow people (and shadow cats) fall into that. It is sad that adults tell kids that "they are seeing things" or "telling lies". Historically, the idea of "demons" caused so much suffering.

Night Blind Spot

Over on wikipedia is an article on the blind spot. There is also a simple test one can do to demonstrate the blind spot for yourself. You can find it here: Wikipedia - Blind Spot (vision)

Quote:It is estimated that once fully adapted to darkness, the rods are 10,000 times more sensitive to light than the cones, making them the primary receptors for night vision. Since the cones are concentrated near the fovea, the rods are also responsible for much of the peripheral vision. The concentration of cones in the fovea can make a night blind spot in the center of the field of vision. -- From the same article.

(image source - Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge via wikimedia commons.)

So when we see the shadow people using our peripheral vision (rods), there is a blind spot when we directly look at them (cones).

So the question arises.

Do the Shadow People 'magically' disappear? Or do they simply appear to disappear?