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Sorry, My Head Exploded

I tried to watch this today, but couldn' head exploded.

There are so many reasons this is wrong.

I do not know why these members of congress think they are special. They treated this guard like crap. Every single one of them should be expelled from congress for acting like....

This actually frustrated me so much, I contacted my congressperson.

I want them at least exposed, fined, and censured on live, prime time tv.

Your thoughts?

Are you upset that they were blocked or that they tried to gain access?

I am upset at how they acted.

Above the law.

They bullied the guard.
They pulled the race card.
They pulled the children card.

They are hypocritical.
If the roles had been reversed and it was republicans, they would be in solitary already.

They were childish.
They were whiners.

They are not leaders.

DOGE protest theatrics will feature a who's who of scumbags that deserve to spend the rest of their lives in federal prison.

Maxine Waters would be a good place to start.

Imagine such people representing a nation. 

There's certainly some form of exceptionalism involved, but you hate to see it.


Isn't it amazing how fast the left reacts when they get hit where it hurts most?  Where the biggest graft and injustice is?  Man, they react in about 10 seconds.

Normally you'd wait for 6 months for Maxine Waters to get up off her fat ass to even answer your phone call (if ever), but throw the blocks to her gravy train and she springs into action like an Olympic sprinter!!

Funny that, don't you think?

(02-08-2025, 12:48 AM)FCD Wrote: Isn't it amazing how fast the left reacts when they get hit where it hurts most?  Where the biggest graft and injustice is?  Man, they react in about 10 seconds.

Normally you'd wait for 6 months for Maxine Waters to get up off her fat ass to even answer your phone call (if ever), but throw the blocks to her gravy train and she springs into action like an Olympic sprinter!!

Funny that, don't you think?

Not a one of them at the doors of any agency demanding answers when natural disaster victims were being left to fend for themselves, but then again there weren't many others doing it either. All the disaster money and planning was for housing the "refugees" that religious front NGO's have made billions trafficking to the US, also on your dime though the USAID funding that you were never supposed to know about. Education standards are in the toilet, not even meeting whatever PhD level nonsense they've determined they should be measured by. Loons are lowering standards to show how great they're doing providing an education to the urban poor they constantly claim to be saving. BUT... that's not why they're there. They're there for the cameras and the years of money laundering into their campaign funds and PACs.

I've always been very disgusted by the education system increasingly being run by wackadoos. The quaint image of a rural liberal arts college with eccentric idealist professors living quiet happy lives with their neighbors is a meme. They're everywhere in academia. They're no longer activists or even advocates, they're hostile occupiers. That's how it works. The more they lower the standards the more indoctrinated clowns can fit in the academic clown car. They propped up hundreds of cardboard MDs and PhDs during COVID to do hysteria PR, lie about science, and engage in pharmaceutical marketing, through the power of lowered standards and indoctrination. Some of the docs and researchers were sponsored throughout their higher education by the industry itself, then hopping on the no ethics money train with mostly made up job titles on their resume since. Those academic letters are all that matters for marketing and sales.

They come back early to vote for Ukraine funding, they wave the Ukraine flag in our chambers, while veterans have had decades of substandard medical care and have suffered inexcusable rates of homelessness for as long as I can remember.

I don't really even care if these people go through court cases and go to prison. We have a thing called civil asset forfeiture than has been used to take property from regular people that aren't even charged with a crime and without recourse. They enabled this gross overreach and did nothing to prohibit it. Any person in elected office that was getting money funneled back to them needs to simply be removed from their position, stripped of clearances and all benefits, and the entire immediate family of said officials should be thoroughly audited. They can go beg from their friends or go live in the neighborhoods they let rot. Any company board they belong to needs a freeze on any government contracts they have too. IRS charity designations this touched need to be audited while their status is temporarily suspended. Grind the wheels of the machine to a halt right on top of their personal lives and finances.

Anybody involved in laundering taxpayer funds should undergo the same treatment in any senior federal positions.

No more funding the pensions of people that steal from us. Let them rely on the safety net they have been oh so generous to provide the people they're supposed to be working for. Ideally the Republicans that have been in on it can be leveraged to approve the process and when that's over the remaining members of the body can eject those Republicans too.

I won't hold my breath on any celebrity politicians going to prison, but I wouldn't be surprised if we see one or two before it's over.

Department of Education funding, while the K-12 system topples under the weight of non-teaching administrative costs.


USDA pg 17 appendix on "Q" designation