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A Question Just Hit Me

As an avid CT fan, many of you...,have heard stories of giant skeletons being found and then hidden by shadowy groups. In this case, the Smithsonian Institute is what comes to mind.

I was just surfing an old ATS thread (, and saw an interesting fact:

Bones of ancient skeletons show that penguins used to stand 6' tall.

Ok, cool.

So then:

We can talk about every other species being giant in the past, but not humans.


(03-17-2025, 04:21 PM)Theatreboy Wrote: We can talk about every other species being giant in the past, but not humans.


Because it creates too much conflict with the Biblical version of our existance?

Imagine if we were all were able to go to a museum and see 9-12' tall giants dating back thousands of years; it would pretty much put the Bible next to Grimms' Fairy Tales on the library shelf.

(03-17-2025, 07:34 PM)Nugget Wrote: Because it creates too much conflict with the Biblical version of our existance?

Imagine if we were all were able to go to a museum and see 9-12' tall giants dating back thousands of years; it would pretty much put the Bible next to Grimms' Fairy Tales on the library shelf.

I put forth the exact opposite.

There are many examples of giants in the Bible.

The offspring of the fallen when they took human wives...The Nephilim.

I think it proves the Bible, and that is why they are hidden today.

(03-17-2025, 08:11 PM)Theatreboy Wrote: I put forth the exact opposite.

There are many examples of giants in the Bible.

The offspring of the fallen when they took human wives...The Nephilim.

I think it proves the Bible, and that is why they are hidden today.

Ask any theoligian; giants were an abomination and therefore wiped out.

The fact that their remains could be dated to many centuries before creation supposedly began would be hard to explain away.

Our hidden history would make the Bible fiction at best, plagerized at worst.

I think you're both right. It's complicated though.

I think at some point it was determined that status quo was best for all sides. Churches are going woke and academia has become a cult.

We have elite classes of people running the affairs of the world far removed from any real consequences for their actions. If you question history it's just one step closer to questioning the present. That's not part of the plan.

I just read this article earlier about a 900,000 year old human skull.

There seems to be a lot of history before there was any history. Maybe some of the stories aren't just stories.

(03-17-2025, 09:26 PM)Nugget Wrote: Ask any theoligian; giants were an abomination and therefore wiped out.

The fact that their remains could be dated to many centuries before creation supposedly began would be hard to explain away.

Our hidden history would make the Bible fiction at best, plagerized at worst.

This is a weird point considering our actual history already makes the bible fiction at best

Pinguin VS Leonidas, they just pass it off as a joke, but a 6' penguin is dangerous.


(03-18-2025, 04:28 AM)TokenLiberal Wrote: This is a weird point considering our actual history already makes the bible fiction at best
Weird you would say that...... 

Try telling the billions of people who believe every word in the Bible is true that it isn't.  Biggrin

That's a very good question. 

And since we live in a world where genuine curiosity is shunned in favor of establishment holy cows, research is conducted with grants as the empirical driver of that research.

Take into account that planned obsolescence is the doctrine that guides most products to market and you have a very sick culture that is further plagued by artificial scarcity, and invasions rebranded as 'war' to control access to raw materials.

Secret societies teasing esoteric knowledge while showing off exoteric habits, supposedly more enlightened because of it but always Renfield like in their servitude to the larger vision of the future. 

They are the janitors of the elite, complicit in the past, working in secret at the present to ensure that the future fits the ideals of the elite. 

We are all just actors and the world's merely a stage, but most of us don't do dress-up Tuesdays to celebrate our dirty, collective past. 

That's because most of us shun insidious activities as a means of elevating ourselves above the common people to bask in a feeling of superiority. 

If everything was truly chaotic, we wouldn't see such a median approach time and time again. 

It all indicates an entrenched elite with a proven formula. 

People that threaten the status quo get replaced, co-opted or are taken out by "lone gunmen". 

We are in the dirty business of our sole purpose being to further the interests of the powerful few, and that power is usually hereditary to such an extent that it has become inbred. 

I'm convinced that the Smithsonian has been complicit in covering up the truth, and that truth is stranger than the fiction we are being spoonfed. That includes the giant skeletons. 

There is truth hidden in religion, but it is mostly compromised by inversion fetishists. 

We are a species that have abandoned curiosity and wonderment in favor of a minority few, and science has become an endeavor that enables the elite to leverage their power more effectively. 

Most people are vaguely aware of these things, some openly accept it for what it is, but few are willing to explore the dichotomies that gnaw at their souls. 

The construct also has built-in mechanisms that encourage people to police their own thoughts. 

A good example of this is the "thou shalt not kill crowd" actively cheering the wanton murder of women and children. 

First, the elites made the left lose their minds, while the right looked on in astonishment. 

Now, they have shifted their attention to conservatives and the result is exactly the same, down to the decimal where they will deny the comparison until the day they die. 

Wars are not fought by pansy assed lefties. 

And regular folk are being pushed to the end of their patience. 

I'm already seeing a younger generation of hard men willing to create "good times". They think they are on 'the right side of history'. 

The machine runs as expected, many innocent lives will be sacrificed on the altar of the privileged few. 

America first my slightly hairy ass. 

The sad part is that we are all born into this, but most of us are too sheepish and have no ability to think on it to realize that this house of cards is not sustainable and we will all pay dearly for our passive compliance. 

And then our children will have it worse. 

Rinse, repeat.

Presently humanity have gravitated to the worst form of government possible being ruled by wolves in sheep's clothing.

Good has become evil and evil has become good.

People are squaring up against manufactured illusions.

Duality has become a mindfuck that appears straightforward on the surface level but look deeper and you become lost in the fractals.

Guiding your curiosity as a ship avoiding the rocks, luck shouldn't play a part in it.

The horrible reality is that the formula proven to steer clear of becoming shipwrecked at any stage is to attribute the worst intentions to those have been ruthless enough to reach the top and maintain their position throughout.

In this world you have to be evil if you want to be successful, in the mold of 'but we were only following orders based on misguided beliefs'.

It's a formula as old as the accepted version of what we call 'history'.

Wars will be their ultimate way of shaping the landscape to fit their vision of a world without war, when conditions are such that they can exercise complete control without the threat of collective violence and 'acceptable loss of innocent lives' better known as collateral damage.

Every human being will be on an undeniable leash where non-compliance will be dealt with severely and instantaneously.

They would never run the system with AI that has the ability to threaten their power, meaning the 'ai' that will police all individuals will be nothing more than an inflexible program created to preserve status quo.

The moment individualism dies, curiosity and creativity dies with it. What then remains of our essence?

Make no mistake, Trump is a wartime president and with his ego as a prime instrument to be played by the elites, it's going to be yuge.

The best ever.

Just yuge people. Never seen since Alexander the Great and trust me folks, they're not after me, I'm just in the way.

God bless America.


(03-18-2025, 11:15 AM)Nugget Wrote: Weird you would say that...... 

Try telling the billions of people who believe every word in the Bible is true that it isn't.  Biggrin

If I could reach them, maybe I would. Are you one of them?