(12-17-2024, 12:43 AM)Nugget Wrote: "They haven't got the numbers to pull it off unless they use weapons of mass destruction. "
All they need is fear to pass laws people will later come to regret. 911 gave us surveilance on steroids by weaponized enforcemnt agencies.; even Tulsi is on a terrorist watch list!
"The bad guys are in charge regardless of who becomes president. "
The /bad guys' want world denomination; agenda 2030.
"I reckon these drones, among other things might be a pressure release for the public as the country's wealth is being blead dry."
It seems like a distraction to me. What laws is Schumer concoctiong to save us from this terrible threat? What rights will we have to give up to feel 'safe'?
Now the news is reporting readiative material went missing on Dec. 3, but thery're not telling people it's virtually harmless. Ramping up the fear.
There's still 30 tons of amonium nitrate missing after 'leaking' from a rail car in 2022.
There are those who believe 9/11 was at the hands of Osama bin Laden and those who don't. Those who don't wouldn't put it past the government to do it again, maybe on an even grander scale to get the majority onboard with giving up ther freedoms in exchange for being safe.
I think it would take an event much larger than 9/11 to pull it off with the aid of other world governments.
I kind of entertain the idea that Trump is either in on and part of the grand plan or they will stop him any way they can.
So much evil has happened since 2019 relesed Covid on the world and Biden took office that I'm just not ready to trust nyone in charge of our country yet. I see subterfuge around every corner.
I am not emotionally invested in any of it; I observe what's going on like I'm watching a movie and trying to guess the ending after the first ten minutes of viewing. I'm pretty good at it when I'm watching the big screen; lets just hope I suck at second guessing real life events.
Yeah, me too. I would love to be wrong.
Perhaps if everyone who voted for Trump come together whether in real life and/or online and started a top 10 list poll of what Trump should fix first it will become show and tell.
Can Trump supporters reach him to further their own interests?
Do they even want to?
Isn't there supposed to be some sort of two-way interaction?
Trump would easily have to show his hand in all matters concerned.