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Watching Romania - an ATS prediction coming true?

(12-17-2024, 04:47 AM)Ksihkehe Wrote: I was looking for something else entirely and came across this.

Benz knows what he's talking about as far as topics I'm sort of familiar with. I don't know all of the topics he covers though. I wasn't aware that the biggest NATO base in 70 years was being built there.

Seems like the people who were victorious in WW2 seems hell bent on hosting WW3 and we're all invited. 

The West is being used by the forces that own all their debt. 

That's why they are all embracing self-destructive policies in lockstep. 

US politicians are their mouthpieces, bought and paid for and very likely on camera somewhere. 

Unless 'by way of deception' isn't really a thing for these people... It's merely a ceremonial gesture.

Crypto is the setup that will replace the current scam. More power to them via block chain and perhaps all the strings attached in exchange for partial or complete debt write off. 

Satoshi Nakamuto being a fake alias and all, because if it was Satoshi Nakamutostein perhaps more caution would be considered prudent. 

We're surrounded by lies and illusions and we're basically in a global concentration camp but the swimming pool seems nice.. 

Globalism will never work in favor of the people because it actually destroys diversity and replaces it with animosity and they are just too happy to fan the flames. 

By the time people are being swept by whatever tide comes in we'll go from being spectators to victims in the blink of an eye. 

What has any protest around the world whether it be truckers in Canada or farmers in Europe or just ordinary citizens in Brazil ever accomplished except to be vilified and misrepresented by 'the freedom of the press"?

Why didn't Trump fight to remove section 230 which legalizes propaganda against the American People and is exported to the rest of the world through Associated Press and the rest of their companies?

I wish I could believe that Trump is fighting the machine but I just don't buy it anymore. 

The people who voted for him should seriously consider unifying in some form representing a cohesive unit and pressure him with the real pressing issues to see what he's truly made of. 

Nothing is more important at this stage, in my opinion. 

P. S. sorry for the rant, as you can see trust issues abound. 


That was a good rant, Bones!  Drinkingcheers

(12-18-2024, 04:45 AM)Nugget Wrote: That was a good rant, Bones!  Drinkingcheers

Cheers Nugs, our cat went AWOL today and I've scoured the surroundings all throughout the day. 

I'm having a beer now. 


(12-18-2024, 10:19 AM)19Bones79 Wrote: Cheers Nugs, our cat went AWOL today and I've scoured the surroundings all throughout the day. 

I'm having a beer now. 

 We have a feral porch kitty that we've been taking care of for the past three years and every once in a while she'll go missing for 2-3 days, meaning I have 2-3 sleepless nights. My biggest fear is her getting shut in someones shed or garage inadvertenly, since cats are such snoopy little critters.

I hope your cat is just on a little walk-about and comes home soon!  Heart

(12-18-2024, 11:13 AM)Nugget Wrote:  We have a feral porch kitty that we've been taking care of for the past three years and every once in a while she'll go missing for 2-3 days, meaning I have 2-3 sleepless nights. My biggest fear is her getting shut in someones shed or garage inadvertenly, since cats are such snoopy little critters.

I hope your cat is just on a little walk-about and comes home soon!  Heart

He came back last night, my wife made me promise to leave this up to her from now on and naturally I was inclined to agree. 

We found him in the middle of a storm in the bushes while he was still just a baby. His mom's definitely feral. 

Did the effort of bringing him across the border but now instead of mountains, a river and living in the valley in between he is now confronted with enclosed suburbia and so much noise. 

This is now out of my hands. 


(12-19-2024, 01:50 AM)19Bones79 Wrote: I'm glad he came back! The holiday season just wouldn't be the same if one of our furry friends ws missing! Heart

Some minor updates.

A former EU chancellor is being credited with saying
Quote:For now, let’s keep calm and enforce our laws in Europe, when there is a risk that they will be bypassed and if they are not enforced, they can lead to interference.

We did it in Romania, and if necessary, we will have to do it in Germany as well.
X post with video

I don't speak the language, so it may be getting misconstrued as the source cited is RT. I don't think most people need him to admit this to know that the EU, whatever the hell that body has become, is now a satellite branch of the WEF cult. They answer to nobody and are not responsible for anything. There are protests in Romania, but they appear peaceful and I haven't seen any jackboot tactics yet. The legacy press seems to be doing their thing and not really investigating the alleged evidence that this retroactive cancellation of the election was based on.

The interference claims and the entire legal framework about foreign interference is a joke. It wouldn't be so much of a joke if didn't come from the same asshole that shame you for having borders and not gleefully letting Brussels dictate your domestic policies however they want. We know that Soros and a bunch of other people, along with the global megacorp MIC blob, all heavily influence all the elections through various means. Some are pretty overt and some are just coming to light to a wider audience via digital platforms. It's a transparent thing that most people are fully aware of happening in their countries at some level or another. Crime becoming worse, infrastructure crumbling, lower wages, more spending on things that do nothing to improve the lives of the citizens, the decay of government services, two-tiered justice systems, pay for play. The only people that seem oblivious are willfully blind political sycophants and people insulated from the consequences of this societal decay.

Shawn Ryan is releasing an interview with the winner of the cancelled first election, Călin Georgescu, in the coming weeks. I don't like announcements of things to feed the hype machine, but I am glad that this "extremist" will get to discuss his actual platform without a hostile middleman press.
X post from Shawn Ryan

Shawn Ryan is a former CIA contractor or something, Navy SEAL, and also broke the Tesla would-be whistleblower emails. Chinese drones and antigrav, served with a side of Iran fear porn. I encourage anyone watching any of these thought influencers to remain skeptical, but they're getting access and providing platforms to people that the vast majority of the media don't want the populace to hear from. They are to be as trusted as much (not at all) as the current media is trusted.

Musk has also drawn some attention to this. He's already got a lot of eyes on him for comments on the UK government and interview with the "far-right" candidate in Germany. The Streisand effect that started way back with Rogan/Trump seems to be going strong. The more they demonize populists the worse it gets for the press and failing leaders. The public is getting exposed to the actual platforms and beliefs of the "extremists". It seems they mostly want their government to stop screwing them over and to perform essential functions for their actual citizens. Not very extreme.

The new election is scheduled for May 4th, which is a long way off in the current atmosphere. With Trump talking about NATO and some of our NATO "allies" having openly supported a dementia patient then his babbling replacement, some "allies" with intelligence agencies that aided in spying on Trump, maybe there isn't going to be enough money for that NATO base expansion anyway.

Failing governments with entrenched leaders, clinging to power or doing their best to kick the can down the road, are becoming a norm in Europe. Nobody is accountable for anything, the citizens are the problem, and you're an extremist if you disagree with anything they say. Many parts of the US are seeing this same cycle playing out in local and state governments. Canada is essentially on auto-pilot until March 24, with a rejected leader still in control and the gas tank on empty.

Very interesting read!

A lot of very well thought out and written posts in this thread.

Very interesting read!

A lot of very well thought out and well written posts in this thread.

War is coming.