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The Managed Decline of the West

Are Humans just 'messy'? 

I am referring to the average person living in the West, who in times like these are underpaid, overworked, struggling to raise a family from a financial and moral values viewpoint, worried about the their children's future with regards to their governments working directly against the interests of its people..

You know the type. Religious, pays taxes, works hard in an economy wrecked by usury and inflation, demonized regularly by the press both left and right, dreams of a better tomorrow... 

Where is the chaos?

Who foments the perception of chaos?

Which hardships are of the people, by the people and for the people?

Do politicians and the elite see their power being threatened by random, unexpected and completely coincidental events and by the grace of God alone are able to hang onto their gains for as long as they have?

The video below explains what managed decline is, using three countries as an example. 

Perhaps you are from one of those countries or another country where you can see the similarities and agree that the West is undeniably in lockstep towards its own decline. 

Who benefits?

Who is the target?

How is the strategy being carried out?


Do you think the decline itself was planned, or just that contemporary Western politicians find themselves unable to fix it and forced to "manage" it instead?

(03-25-2025, 02:13 AM)19Bones79 Wrote: Do politicians and the elite see their power being threatened by random, unexpected and completely coincidental events and by the grace of God alone are able to hang onto their gains for as long as they have?

Who benefits?

Who is the target?

How is the strategy being carried out?

When I look at the way countries are run they all look like a big Ponzi scheme, where all wealth is designed to be transfered from the working class to the 1%. 
One of the quickest, easiest ways to become a millionaire seems to be running for office. The only talent needed is the art of deception and a good PR agent.

(03-25-2025, 05:57 AM)TokenLiberal Wrote: Do you think the decline itself was planned, or just that contemporary Western politicians find themselves unable to fix it and forced to "manage" it instead?

I'm of the opinion that empires don't implode on their own 'success' . They fall because they are pushed from behind by a group of people that manipulate the empire to their own ends, treat it like a disposable piggy bank and sooner or later create suitable conditions where they are able to smash the piggy bank and take their leave as "Rome' is burning. 

Imagine being groomed to treat your rapist as the ultimate authority figure. 

Gaslighting is a special category of lies. 


Double Standards

Read this carefully

(03-25-2025, 09:55 PM)Nugget Wrote: When I look at the way countries are run they all look like a big Ponzi scheme, where all wealth is designed to be transfered from the working class to the 1%. 
One of the quickest, easiest ways to become a millionaire seems to be running for office. The only talent needed is the art of deception and a good PR agent.

99% of the wealth for the 1%.

1% of the wealth for the 99%.

Up is now down.

(03-26-2025, 01:25 AM)19Bones79 Wrote: I'm of the opinion that empires don't implode on their own 'success'.

So basically there always has to be malicious intent behind "decline"? Do you not think it's possible that the people in power simply judged wrongly, or that coincidence leads a country to pursue a path that leads to its eventual decline?

After stagflation in the 1970s, following decades of interventionist economic policy initiated by FDR, people were charmed by the idea of letting the market do its thing. A movement of deregulation (neoliberalism) was started, which directly led to the current problem of wealth inequality. It's not that a secret society was pushing Western democracies to pursue deregulation, it's that it was popular with the people, which makes sense given what happened before.

If we can explain the decline without a secret society pulling the strings of every world leader, then why complicate things by adding it into the equation? Occam's razor.

(03-25-2025, 09:55 PM)Nugget Wrote: When I look at the way countries are run they all look like a big Ponzi scheme, where all wealth is designed to be transfered from the working class to the 1%. 
One of the quickest, easiest ways to become a millionaire seems to be running for office. The only talent needed is the art of deception and a good PR agent.

In most Western democracies this is actually far from the truth. Politicians in most of Europe are not wealthy. Going into politics makes you rich only if your political system enables corruption which is the case in the US, and likely in all non-democracies. In other words, if your political institutions are extractive in nature.

It can be easy to look at things and believe they were all planned. Believing that humans naturally strive for more, it is hard to believe that any group would plan for and carry out its demise. On the other hand, it seems like they might be passing the ball to other players and would plan to step down.

If I were driving in bad weather and lost control of the vehicle I was driving, but had enough control to take it into a ditch rather than into oncoming traffic, I would.

(03-26-2025, 05:58 AM)TokenLiberal Wrote: So basically there always has to be malicious intent behind "decline"? Do you not think it's possible that the people in power simply judged wrongly, or that coincidence leads a country to pursue a path that leads to its eventual decline?

After stagflation in the 1970s, following decades of interventionist economic policy initiated by FDR, people were charmed by the idea of letting the market do its thing. A movement of deregulation (neoliberalism) was started, which directly led to the current problem of wealth inequality. It's not that a secret society was pushing Western democracies to pursue deregulation, it's that it was popular with the people, which makes sense given what happened before.

If we can explain the decline without a secret society pulling the strings of every world leader, then why complicate things by adding it into the equation? Occam's razor.

Yes, there have always been malicious intent. 

A world that runs on ever increasing debt and spiraling inflation controlled by people with no allegiance to the countries they 'serve' don't need any external hypothetical nuance. 

Would you disregard Epstein Island?

What about the manufactured polarity and identity politics?

What was covid about, in your personal opinion?

Do you believe that secret societies don't factor into the equation?

(03-26-2025, 07:23 AM)Michigan Swampbuck Wrote: It can be easy to look at things and believe they were all planned.

I'm way past that point. 

Take the current situation in the Middle East. It was planned soon after ww2.
