03-02-2025, 02:50 AM
This thread lays it out nicely
It's over as in the war is over? If it ends anytime soon it will be on Russia's terms, and that would mean Putin, with his war economy,
I predicted as much a couple of years ago when Trump first said that he could solve the situation within the space of 24 hrs.
These things were planned well in advance, I believe, and what we see as historical events are in fact, scripted and manufactured. Or fake and gay as Candace Owens would say.
Just look at Zelensky as a heroic prop. Ridiculous. Everyone that follows geopolitical events knows what happened in Ukraine in 2014 and the chain of events that followed from there.
A more mainstream view of these 'historical' events would be indicative of a belief in the veracity of reports coming from MSM.
Anyone, left or right, that doesn't see MSM as the propaganda outlet for both sides of the political spectrum in this day and age qualifies at the very least as per my understanding of the word, a normie.
What would be understandable is if a person exuded the type of bias that reveals a specific connection to Ukraine. Perhaps a family connection?
It's over as in the war is over? If it ends anytime soon it will be on Russia's terms, and that would mean Putin, with his war economy, might feel empowered to keep the troops rolling further west. That would start WW3.
That's a MSM talking point. I did however explain how a person welcoming of such a deceptive narrative might be understood through the lense of familial bias,as an example.
If you come from there and/or have family ties from there it's completely understandable for you to stand behind a narrative that favors your people.
I don't believe that Putin is focused on expansionism.
Looking at the facts, he accurately identifies the actions of NATO as guided by the US as a possible existential threat, which is why Putin, a careful, considerate and strategic man arrived at a place where he spoke about the use of his nuclear arsenal.
It's all for show though. So none of what I said matters, it's part of the script.
Russia is in on the game.
Further groundwork of divide and conquer successfully implemented for the coming war while not only weakening the US economically, it also allowed for one of the biggest money laundering operations in history.
War is coming to the West. And a 3rd group has inserted a 2nd bug into the jar and started shaking it to see when they will fight.
The intention is for Christians and Muslims to become embroiled in a global war sparked by the massive influx of incompatible cultures into the West in an attempt to create strife by subverting the cultural landscape.
Signs of a captured state would include politicians welcoming the invasion. Creation of laws benefiting the illegals while leaving the citizens vulnerable. NGO's streamlining the process to speed it up. Hotels housing illegals while the local homeless population was never a priority. Sentiment spread throughout MSM that whiteness is coming to an end, 'and that's a good thing'.
I could go on and on but as someone who's interested in geopolitical events you're already aware of these things.
It would be interesting if we could identify a specific group that receives more and more protection status legally as the situation worsens.
Especially if the media on both sides makes it clear that everyone else is fair game.
As someone whose main interest is geopolitics, do you see and/or agree with some of these observations?
When the war ends, Russia's bill will come due. Russians are going to feel that, and during peace time they might start asking questions like "was this war worth it?"
If my take on history is correct, Russia is an ancient enemy of TPTB and while revenge might take centuries to unfold, it fits in perfectly with the planned destruction of the White race.
Russia and the US are both being set up to fall.
Even Joe Biden said that he's excited to see whites soon becoming a minority in the US.
What an odd thing to say off of a teleprompter wouldn't you agree?
Could you imagine Netanyahu saying he's anxiously hoping the day arrives where Jews are a minority in Israel?
Could you imagine an issue receiving immediate bipartisan support in congress and the senate as well as from the presidency in these polarizing times?
AI replacing humans in the workforce is still a ways away. I hope that, when it happens, an actual competent person will be in the white house.
How would an actual competent person ever be allowed to rise to such a glamorous position as hand-puppet to the elite?
That club is Compromised Sociopaths Only.
Yes, the $300m was a smart investment. It's baffling to me that he so transparently bought the US president, and Trump's supporters cheer it on.
Elon Musk is surrounded by people who scoff at the title of 'World's Richest Man'. He probably feels like Tracy Elaine in the ballad of similar name.
He's very likely permanently on drugs now. I believe that is how his handlers gain control over someone as it creates a lack of inhibition which leads to compromising behavior which sets up the person for blackmail.
These things would be considered surprising to anyone focused on a steady diet of whatever the MSM puts out for digestion.
You mean to say you think there is a guy behind Elon Musk pulling his strings? I doubt that. If there is a "deep state", like the kids are saying, it's the heritage foundation, and they're actually been pretty transparent. So nice of them. Musk I think is just temporarily allied with them, or is at least pretending to be while he uses his access to the president and US government data to enrich himself.
Let me ask you this.
If there is already a not so covert power structure setting up the pieces globally for a completely covert power structure which they label as Globalism under a one world government, would they allow an individual to rise unchallenged through the power structures, in fact enabled by those power structures, if he was to present any kind of threat to their hegemony?
A guy that wants to implant a computer directly connected to your brain and progress transhumanism and complete submission of people to social credit scores through behavioral hierarchy?
A guy that has a company building ecosystems underground?
A guy that is working on the ability to start afresh off world or on another planet? The same ability that would keep whoever is on his space transports out of WW3 if the whole planet went to shit?
A guy at the forefront of AI, a crucial technology for global totalitarianism?
No. I do not think he acted alone as what can be described as a complete inversion of what people see as a Renaissance Man.