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Where are you now?


I joined ATS as a contributor when Donald Trump burst onto the political scene. I was very pro-Trump as you might recall. 

A more accurate description in hindsight is that I was and still is pro-American. People, not government. 

On social media, Twitter to be precise, there's a storm brewing, but bet on it that it's not only Twitter where the winds of change are blowing. 
Which coincidentally is where the answer is. 

In the words of the millionaire socialist with seasonal homes, I'm once again asking you... 
.. to allow me to piss off even more people than you thought one man is capable of pissing off:

The stupid reactionaries as history slowly starts getting exposed.

The 'truth movement' as I shall call it, is infested with race baiters. Real or strategically infiltrated to taint or manipulate, it's fatal either way. 

Grown men become middle-school mean girls, where their infantile perception of the world guarantees failure, whatever the fuck it is they think they are doing. 

I'm of course speaking to the crowd that knows who's behind the curtain, and naturally gravitate towards violence. 

Throw in hatred of blacks, shouts of 'we're taking our country back'... 

Not exactly the rallying cry one would hope for,is it? 

If you love your culture (genetically and environmentally seeded sense of identity), it should be natural to want to see that culture develop as a baby develops into a well rounded adult. Naturally and undisturbed.

If your culture is balanced, you would afford that same courtesy to other cultures, which would form the basis for mutual respect,and honest dialog. 

Even in an already multicultural society, each culture can only progress if there is optimism in their hearts for the future of their particular shared values with their children's future as the highest priority. 

The right to be recognized, respected and accepted. 

Where they would intersect, an awareness and a gentleness for the other's disposition. 

If you can call yourself a Christian, I can imagine such a reality would be something that you would call an improvement on the current state of affairs.. 

Such a simple solution, and yet how far removed are we from achieving it?

A society being completely manipulated by its government and propaganda outlets, gets told that there are only 2 options :

Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. 

I'm going to stop preaching(or am I) and cut to the chase. 

As the truth comes out intentionally, it sets up a David vs Goliath narrative. That is still their narrative. 

And it inspires unrest amongst the people. 

A perfect opportunity for a false flag,but people are still reactionary creatures and this might open the floodgates. Either way it is pinned on these 'nazis', for lack of a better description. A lose-lose situation.

Violence is their answer. You don't play INTO violence. Never. 

Our financial systems are the root of the problem, and it's steering the world to a place where communism and capitalism is about to birth a love child through an anal 'birth canal'. 

Who among us are brave enough to envision a world where nothing is profit driven, but reinvested into the community to improve the society from the ground up? 

Trickle up economics for all the educated finance people out there. 

Combine this with an individual sense of purpose and pride in your work ethic. 

Which naturally means that the people in charge carries the well-being of their people first and foremost as top priority. 

I do believe Henry Ford had an elementary vision of sorts before Dodge shut that down. 

Let the truth be known, and let that truth guide us to understanding that the solution to all the problems in the world is through non-violent action. 

People have been conditioned to describe this viewpoint as idealistic, which is a polite way of saying it's a fairytale. At worst, I'm now somehow in fairies. 

And yet, all I want is to see humanity flourish through our shared sense of humanity. Isn't that what religion should be all about? Gentleness over violence? 

Yes. The easiest way has somehow become the hardest way. 

If you're alive, what a time to be alive. 

Stay safe. Stay respectful. Above all else, know yourself and stay true. 

If the answer is complicated, it's usually not the right answer. We live in a world where an inverse perception of what is normal has corrupted our leadership,and influenced our brethren. 

As a non believer, I can confirm that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 

I'm still looking into that last part, but some things are not just a Google search away, and the truth is kept obscured. 

Until then, things are not what they seem at face value. 


I think we're all feelling the major shift coming and there's really nothing we can collectively do to stop it at this point, Bones; it's global and seems to be verry well coordinated.

For decades now the US has been touted as the woeld leader; the world p[olice, yet there's always been an ubdercurrent of whispers that there never was a real break from England; that the Jewish Rothschild's have always pulled the puppet strings and allowed America to be the frontman on the world stage; anopther 'look over here, not at what we're doing and don't want you to see' tactic.

I never gave it much creedence until recently when I began reading how all of the European nations are giving priority to immigrants and still welcoming them by the thousands. They rape, pilllage, burn and murder citizens with seeming impunity, whilst natives get jailed for derogitory remarks against any of them. 

The European nations were importing violent, radical groups from thirnd world countries long before obama put the USA on the same fast track. Europe appears to be beyond saving at this point, and none of the current leaders to want to stop the carnage. 

America was late to the scene; the last stronghold and to heavily populated to go first on reorginazing the status quo from what I'm beginning to see. biden really fast-tracked the infiltration by importing record numbers od criminal elements; the world's least desirables.

Trump put a HUGE monkey wrench in the plans- or did he? Maybe we're just supposed to think that he did.

While everybody from all three parties seemed concerned about government corruption and wasteful spending, now that Trump has unleashed a plan to end such tactics we're now being bombarded with propaganda and lawsuits that keep us fighting over the details. Meanwhile, I don't see any focus on stopping the implimentation of AI being controlled by the government and used to 'prevent' and ferret out corruption being talked about. Crypto currency is now being pushed as a great way to save the American dollar-and keep our financial assets safe. That means digital currency, right?
Undecided Confused
AI control over a breath you take and every penny you spend- if Trump loses his bid to kill the penny.

AI + CBDC will put us all at the door of a one world government if I'm reading the tea leaves right. Or, maybe I just need some new glasses.

(03-22-2025, 04:12 AM)Nugget Wrote: Trump put a HUGE monkey wrench in the plans- or did he? Maybe we're just supposed to think that he did.

If you believe like I do that we are in the final stretch of a plan that has churned along for milennia ever closer to fruition, then it becomes very difficult to believe that a hero of the people will ever be allowed to rise, unless of course that happens to be part of the theatrics. 

I alluded to a huge thread previously in another thread, but I realized that it's always more of the same and while informative, it's also like giving a firearm to an untrained enthusiast. 

What good is information if it can't be applied to be a guide of sorts towards what awaits and how to respond in an appropriate fashion that is our best chance at 'freedom'. 

Freedom is a loaded word of course, so yeah. 

Hope you're doing well or giving hell Biggrin

(03-22-2025, 08:51 AM)19Bones79 Wrote: If you believe like I do that we are in the final stretch of a plan that has churned along for milennia ever closer to fruition, then it becomes very difficult to believe that a hero of the people will ever be allowed to rise, unless of course that happens to be part of the theatrics. 

I alluded to a huge thread previously in another thread, but I realized that it's always more of the same and while informative, it's also like giving a firearm to an untrained enthusiast. 

What good is information if it can't be applied to be a guide of sorts towards what awaits and how to respond in an appropriate fashion that is our best chance at 'freedom'. 

Freedom is a loaded word of course, so yeah. 

Hope you're doing well or giving hell Biggrin

Well, most people see me as a very negative person but I disagree. I've looked at life from both ends and I only see one posibility; a total reset. 
It may not happen for another 100-200-1,000 years but life on our planet is not sustainable with all of the abuse we've done to our habitat.
I'm a firm believer that past civilizations were even more advanced than the time we're presently in. Whether it was destroyed by natural causes (climate change, meteorite, earth's axis shift, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, etc.) or a combination of several things, humanity has gone through more than one bottleneck.

Past behavior (history) is the best and most accurate indicator of future behavior 9knowing what the future most likely holds).The world is a beautiful place for me today when I look at it that way, and no amount of worry will change what tomorrow will bring.

I don't believe for one second that mankind will put aside their greed and warring ways but I hope my grandkids and great-great grandkids will be able to live relatively decent lives.

My mantra is 'Happiness is a 'choice' and I milk every drop I can out of each day. I try to live each day as if it's my last and keep my emotions totally seperate from my brain. I think they try to teach you how to do that in med school. Those that don't get it have a much higher suicide rate and drug abuse rate than the general population.

(03-22-2025, 09:37 AM)Nugget Wrote: Well, most people see me as a very negative person but I disagree.

I agree with your disagree. And I raise you a "I'm not a cynical ****, because I'm really not. 


Bomb All hail the algorithm