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Consciousness studies 2 - Neurology, Hormones, and Ritual

In this part I will be connecting some rituals and practices found in virtually all religious, spiritual, and esoteric groups, by reducing them to how they relate to the purpose of achieving altered states. Most readers are probably aware of a number of common practices. Some, like vocalizations, already featured or were implied by the resonance frequencies amplified by the Neolithic sites. Here we extend this to ritual dance, fasting, self-flagellation, and other things that cause physiological changes in hormone responses related to the brain.

Quote:When ethnographers ask people why they perform these ceremonies, the most common answer is some version of the following: “It’s just what we do. It is our tradition. It’s who we are.” Anthropologists who study rituals have found that these traditions survive because they fulfill primordial, deep-seated human needs and serve important functions for individuals as well as for society. So what are some of these functions?

My wife told me a story about a family tradition (not hers, I don't believe) of cutting one end off a brisket to square it before putting it in to roast. This may even be an old folk tale, but it illustrates my point. Why did they do it? Well, they didn't know and it was just how they had always made brisket. At some point either great-grandma was visiting from the old country or some other family matriarch was over when the brisket was going in and they asked why in the world the end of the brisket was cut off.

Come to find out, great-grandma only cut the end off the brisket because their pot was too small to cook a whole roast.

I can forgive those still practicing rituals from centuries ago their ignorance of the true origins of their rituals. Rituals can be important for reasons that go beyond their original purpose. I am skeptical that any ritual or practice is entirely without practical purposes, even if that purpose has been lost to time or has been deemed mere superstition. What I'm interested in though, is ritual that plausibly helps induce altered states.

You don't need to read all the links as I'll be pulling relevant data from a number of them and presenting them together.

Altered States of Consciousness during an Extreme Ritual

What ties together dance, extreme rituals involving physical pain, fasting, asceticism, sleep deprivation, and even the extreme sexual deviancy found at the fringes of occult practices? Stress. Stress and the hormones associated with it, broadly. The class of hormones is called catecholamines. The main types are dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. These can be amplified by increased levels of cortisol, which is also released during stress. The stress can be physical or emotional, intentionally induced or caused by environmental conditions.

Neurology is complicated, but the rough idea is that as stress increases the brain gets flooded with these stress hormones. A common situation in which this happens is when the "fight of flight" response is triggered. If your experience with it is anything like mine, you'll be familiar with the tingling rush of adrenaline pouring into your system and a perceived slowing of time. It can elevate heart rate, increase glucose metabolism, and decrease reaction times. It's a good thing when you have to react fast... but there can be too much of a good thing. There is a U-shaped dose response to these hormones and when you have too many circulating it begins to impair the functions of the prefrontal cortex.

Catecholamine Influences on Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortical Networks
The effects of stress exposure on prefrontal cortex: Translating basic research into successful treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder

The next set of hormones that come into play are endorphins. Endorphins are a neural inhibitor and painkiller. Specifically, in the prefrontal cortex, they result in a relaxed state and increased alpha waves. It's not unlike the effect of opioids. This, along with endocannabinoids and dopamine, are the probable source of "runner's high". This isn't limited to running through, rather it is in response to prolonged physical stress. They can be released during fasting as well. The other thing that happens is that there is a shift to the amygdala, away from the top down executive control normally exerted by the prefrontal cortex. The amygdala is related to more primitive functions, but it heavily ties into the rest of the brain and the basal ganglia.

The basal ganglia receive input from the caudate and putamen, which showed increased neurons (5x,10x, even 15x) in Nolan's study of UAP witnesses. Important to note is that it is not causal, that is the UAP event is not what caused it. Rather, the increased neurons seem to be an existing condition that would seem to make one more likely to see a UAP. There's no real clarity here yet, how this all ties in. I believe that the UAPs in question, those that present as high strangeness events, are not native to our 3D reality as commonly observed. They can be seen, but only sometimes. I would offer conjecture that there is some relationship, too complex for us yet to model with what we know of the brain and consciousness, between how much these UAP harmonize or modulate to our 3D space that is on a sliding scale for our perception. That is to say there is some way to measure the perception based on the individual observer's brain architecture and then map it against how much the observer sees. There are probably thousands of other factors that need to be calculated in there and thousands more interaction between them that also need to be understood.

We don't have to fully understand it though, not to exploit it. The psychiatry industry is massive and is rooted in exploiting neurological effects from pharmaceuticals without having any clear idea how it's actually working.

Human EEG response to beta-endorphin
Stanford Professor Garry Nolan Is Analyzing Anomalous Materials From UFO Crashes

So, as a synopsis we now have two things that we know inhibit the prefrontal cortex.

1. 110 Hz frequency
2. Stress

I have almost no data on herbs, synthetic psychoactive compounds, and alkaloids, just yet. I'll be looking for more on that. I consider everything, including the various drugs, to all be synergistic. There is no requirement for any specific part or method to be present, but each can help contribute to the overall success any individual might have. Drugs are sometimes also a stressor, a toxin, so it has dual action. Most of the time I have seen ritual induction of altered states using drugs it has been for one of two purposes. First, it is used as an initiation for some important milestone like becoming an adult or vested member of a group. Second, it is used by those already initiated when doing significant works like divination or evocation. The initial experience is to open a doorway. Future experiences are meant to go through the doorway to bring back whatever it is you're looking for.

What has been left out so far and has been an important part to historic practitioners of esoteric arts, is education. That, like drugs, is also a difficult part to summarize because education outside the ritual and lore associated with any particular brand is everything else in your life. Education covers everything about the world around and inside you, physical and emotional. Those worlds are an ever-present teacher and almost universally beneficial to explore through mundane means. Read, experience, ponder. Where they disagree is often on the core educational requirements, the absolute minimum, and that often involves specific lore or history relevant to that group creating the standards.

I may shift into what starts happening as you enter altered states, how to prepare, how to explore, and some of what you might expect to experience for part three. That's a little tough too, but unlike drugs and education I can write it free form without relying on outside sources. These first two gave data and provide a foundation for understanding, which in turn helps fortify belief. Belief is important, but it has to be fortified with information and experience to reach its full potential.

(03-10-2025, 08:01 PM)Ksihkehe Wrote: I may shift into what starts happening as you enter altered states, how to prepare, how to explore, and some of what you might expect to experience for part three. That's a little tough too, but unlike drugs and education I can write it free form without relying on outside sources. These first two gave data and provide a foundation for understanding, which in turn helps fortify belief. Belief is important, but it has to be fortified with information and experience to reach its full potential.

Valuable information! I look forward to part three.  Drinkingcheers

(03-10-2025, 10:23 PM)Nugget Wrote: Valuable information! I look forward to part three.  Drinkingcheers

Not as exciting as it sounds, not for me at least. It's more just constant work on maintaining focus as you cross over the point where you're asleep. There are other ways too and some crazy yogis doing crazy things. For those not doing extreme physical feats all of this is just prepping you for a deep resting state, then it becomes mediation. I'm certainly not running a half marathon. It's a matter of relaxation and a little discipline of the mind to remain aware once you hit that meditative state. I worked on more and more complicated visualizations and as you sharpen your mental focus for longer periods your body gets more relaxed into a state akin to sleep. I did use some frequencies with tone generators and I did the Gateway Tapes a bit. I don't know if it meets the real definition of a sleep state, but you basically are entirely unware of your body. You can sort of have your attention drawn there, but for me if I become too aware I slip into a more wakeful state. Again, this is just my experience. Drugs can do some interesting things where you're still up and about. Some people are able to really keep a foot in both worlds.

I'm curious about all these techniques and methods that all sort of paint the same picture about this being a practice found all over the planet in some form. It seems that every existing culture may have some history that goes back to cultures that were not just religious, but very spiritual in sophisticated ways that we're just starting to really examine academically. How did they know this frequency? It seems odd that these were designed all over the old world, but I think they were all just naturally tripping with ritual and meditation. It would seem to be something that would take a lot of work to develop and figure out architecture to support the process. 

Humans are pretty ingenious, so I have no doubt they could organically understand that a certain noise made their brain feel a certain way. I just wonder, considering how old some of these are, how advanced must a society be to have a class of people just working on meditation and altering their brainwaves, then maybe some people working on acoustics and geometry advanced enough to engineer these spaces. Just from a logistical standpoint you need some minimum kind of stable and comfortable society to have people screwing around with mentalism. It seems pretty advanced relative to what I think history tells us. They were carving rocks and making these formations and they're tuned at a frequency that inhibits the left prefrontal cortex.

You never know, I might be doing this all wrong as far as the altered states. I think some of the Eastern practices expect you to empty your mind and keep it empty. I think it's more interesting to empty your mind and then give it some directions. The visualizations are complicated enough to really draw draw your attention. Joe McMoneagle, remote viewer number one in the FOIA that started it all, said he does complex math problems in his head as he prepares to remote view. I think it's probably the same principal for why highly complex visualization works to enter altered states.

His remote viewing is much different than a lot of the people you hear about that came later. He seems to be opening up more as he's getting up there in age. Still super sharp, but I think he's just being more candid. After listening to recent interviews I'm pretty sure that's what he's doing. He seems to be somebody with a natural aptitude, which isn't unheard of. A fair amount of the population is highly susceptible to hypnotic suggestion. Stage hypnotists have a few tricks to quickly assess people for it.

I have no experience with remote viewing so I can't speak to it. I sort of meditate into lucid dream states or just drift along and see what comes up. I have done more intense visualization to really create full mental snapshots of things that persist and can be recalled. I believe an advantage that ancient people may have had is a much deeper connection with symbols and archetypes. They had some pretty strong subconscious cultural egregores. Across all kinds of altered states from lucid dreaming, to sleep paralysis, to these deep meditative states, it seems the less you have to think consciously the better. Maybe it's just another type of thinking, more primitive or more fluid. I think that's probably reason why all the occult practices adopted symbols. They were supposed to educate themselves on these symbols and meditate on them, both improving their mental discipline and building shortcuts in the subconscious. I'm not an occultist nor well enough read on them to speak with any authority. That's my guess.

I haven't been very disciplined with a schedule lately. I've been doing a lot of reading, which is never a bad thing. I can't really imagine anything worth remote viewing. I don't get contacted by the Galactic Federation. I do 16-18 hours fasting a day, but that's not even abnormal for some people for extended periods. I haven't done any long ones in a while. I'm hoping maybe putting the time in to write down all the research will get me back into it to see where it goes after another round of intense effort. I try to do spur of the moment quick meditations somewhat routinely to keep it fresh.

I don't even need a part three now. I rambled all the way through it, sort of. I may be making it sound a bit simple. I noticed as I read through a lot of the practices of some of the old school occultists, though under that label there was a lot of flexibility over the years, that their basic practices were things I already did naturally. A lot of them are teaching an ordered through process that is replacing what would have normally been filled with religious practices for the high level priests. Sometimes it was just as complicated as any religion, maybe more so for some of the hardcore practitioners. I learned lucid dreaming from an Omni magazine as a teen, then later dealt with overcoming sleep paralysis, so I was already experienced with remaining lucid during odd states. There was a considerable education leading up to it. All the tones and rituals can help, but it's not one set of tools for everyone. Mostly it's setting aside time or having connections to shortcut drugs. People report much more profound experiences that I have using DMT or whatever else the kids are up to these days. It can be harmful for people with mental illness, prone to mental illness, and sometimes perfectly healthy people, even without a drug component. 

I think it's all good for the brain. If psychedelics didn't have a bunch of legal barriers I'd probably use them periodically to improve brain health. They have supplements with mushrooms that have micro doses, but that's for tech bro budgets lol. I've always found a full dose to be helpful in the long term, though I know a lot of people have experiences they regret. I think it's really about preparation and guidance. I hope they get less restrictive on it soon. I'm not really into doing it in a doctors office though, so I need them to get a lot less restrictive.

I've tried many times to meditate but haven't ever had much luck. I did learn years ago how to get 'in the zone', but it doesn't even come close to the definition of how to meditate.

I have had experiences with the effects of massive endorphines (what a blessing!) and once what I surmise must have been a massive release of DMT, only with a highly spiritual component. 

Although I was a teen in the 60's I opted out of all the drug experimentation; I really wanted to try hallucinagenics but fear of a bad trip and being busy having babies held me back. I didn't think that it would be a very wise choice to mix parenting and parenthood.

I tend to think anything man can do nature can do better; we just don't know the right prompts to enter. I think our brains are capable of so much more than we can ever imagine, and it's probably a good thing we don't have the knowledge to utilize all of our power.

(03-11-2025, 06:52 AM)Nugget Wrote: I've tried many times to meditate but haven't ever had much luck. I did learn years ago how to get 'in the zone', but it doesn't even come close to the definition of how to meditate.

I have had experiences with the effects of massive endorphines (what a blessing!) and once what I surmise must have been a massive release of DMT, only with a highly spiritual component. 

Although I was a teen in the 60's I opted out of all the drug experimentation; I really wanted to try hallucinagenics but fear of a bad trip and being busy having babies held me back. I didn't think that it would be a very wise choice to mix parenting and parenthood.

I tend to think anything man can do nature can do better; we just don't know the right prompts to enter. I think our brains are capable of so much more than we can ever imagine, and it's probably a good thing we don't have the knowledge to utilize all of our power.

I think getting in the zone is probably what a lot of practitioners of folk magic and those that filled the roles of priests in societies without them did. Ethnobotany shows a lot of knowledge about using plants from back in ancient times does correlate to what we are now able to measure and test. That was probably one of the main educational things they did. People that frequently do even this light sort of meditation also seem more inclined to being good at conflict resolution and innovative solutions.

The brain is largely still a mystery to us and the mind, as a functional thing much larger than just the gritty physics of matter, is a mostly untapped source of unknown potential for most of the population.

It's not for everyone at all levels of exploration, but there are benefits to anyone at any level of exploration. For some the juice isn't worth the squeeze, much like not everyone will get the same benefits from physical exercise or enjoy it.

Great thread, and I'm looking forward to reading pt 3.

Specifically the preparation method. 

I did Wim Hof's breathing exercises a while back and took it to a bit of an extreme and what I experienced was a flood of physical emotion while my actual emotions were quite surprised at the development, if that makes sense.

This is a deeply fascinating topic for any number of reasons.

If I can achieve lucid dreaming with practice, I will be more than happy. I had scant experience with it as a child, and it feels natural to want more of that. 

That moment between sleep and wakefulness is also a big mystery to me. 

Sometimes I get to experience becoming aware of my brain being in overdrive and I'm tapping into as if a bystander in that moment, and it feels like it's running at a much higher capacity than what I'm used to. I would like to have more regular access to that. 

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

The modern world tends to shy away from what to my mind is an integral part of the human spiritual experience.


Here is a little known contribution to the list of awareness expanders. I would think it probably works in principal to the Monroe 'gateway' tapes.

There is a mildly infamous organisation whose membership creates computer generated content which can be found on youtube. Within conspiracy circles such as ATS (and elsewhere), there has been suggestions that watching the videos has effects on the consciousness of the viewer. That the content is designed to affect the awareness of the viewer.

I have no idea what these videos are programmed to accomplish, nor for what purposes.

However, I did, one night, put one of their videos on loop and watched it over and over for an hour or so.

I won't recommend the videos as a means of awareness "expansion", though I am of the opinion that there is something to the stories.

Here is the one I watched:

I shall say where watching took me, but yes, these things can be effective.

A humorously implied: As they say on television folks: don't try this at home.

(03-12-2025, 12:48 AM)Ksihkehe Wrote: I think getting in the zone is probably what a lot of practitioners of folk magic and those that filled the roles of priests in societies without them did. 

I'm reminded about Tesla believed in aliens and that they were giving him knowledge. Edgar Alan Poe explained how he would reach an altered state when writing and that the words seem to come from somewhere outside of himself when in this state. Same with Wadsworth or Tennison; I forget which...maybe both? Add A.G.Bell to the list.

All through history some of our most famous people have said they feel their information or ideas come from somewhere other than their own mind. That's why Jung's assertion of a universal consciousness makes sense as one possibility to me.

(03-15-2025, 08:51 PM)Nugget Wrote: I'm reminded about Tesla believed in aliens and that they were giving him knowledge. Edgar Alan Poe explained how he would reach an altered state when writing and that the words seem to come from somewhere outside of himself when in this state. Same with Wadsworth or Tennison; I forget which...maybe both? Add A.G.Bell to the list.

All through history some of our most famous people have said they feel their information or ideas come from somewhere other than their own mind. That's why Jung's assertion of a universal consciousness makes sense as one possibility to me.

Yes, there is no shortage. Philip K Dick as well. Jung seems to have gone probing on his own too. The celebrity lawyer Danny Sheehan who has become big on the disclosure circuit apparently learned Transcendental Meditation, which is sort of a natural extension of the work done on part 3 with lucid dreaming. He now believes in the Greer cosmology I think, even his silly pictures of bugs that he's called alien beings.

I have Jung's The Red Book, which I understand is his exploration of this space, but I jumped to a few spots and never picked it back up. However important he found it, I think my own journeys are more informative to me. Maybe I'll pick it up again and skim a bit to see if my mind has changed.

Quote:The years ... when I pursued the inner images, were the most important time of my life. Everything else is to be derived from this. It began at that time, and the later details hardly matter anymore. My entire life consisted in elaborating what had burst forth from the unconscious and flooded me like an enigmatic stream and threatened to break me. That was the stuff and material for more than only one life. Everything later was merely the outer classification, scientific elaboration, and the integration into life. But the numinous beginning, which contained everything, was then.
 The Red Book on Wikipedia

The people channeling the Galactic Federation like Courtney Brown and Ra from The Law of One also do some sort of variant of all this. Courtney Brown is like a modern day televangelist. I don't really care for most of these latter folks. David Wilcock is still around too. I saw him doing a rather manic YouTube video just recently and peddling some aviation company that sounds roughly as credible as his 2012 prophecy or him being the archangel Michael.

Some become wildly creative, some go mad, and some are just frauds or self-deluded. Some maybe do a little of each, starting at the former and making their way to the latter.