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All Experiences Strange and/or Esoteric

(03-08-2025, 11:28 PM)Nugget Wrote: You're absolutely right about that. I was born at the end of WWll and saw first hand the struggle to overcome hardship. It took a lot of strength, and as the years rolled on the government stepped in to create 'safety nets' for the disadvantaged in the 60's. Low income housing and food stamps has gradually morphed into all kinds of subsistance program, to where the 'disadvantaged' live like royality compared to people in other countries.....but never having learned how to deal with true adversity has made for a few generations of weak people who have no idea how to be self-reliant. 
Their focus is geared towards the appearance of success; material things. We seem to have lost touch with our spiritual nature. Even the organized religions are rapidly loosing members.
The pendulem with rech its equilibrium point one day, but I think that may still a ways off in the future.

A lack of self-reliance does weaken a society and the individuals concerned. The Russians say that sanctions have made Russia and the Russian people stronger and more resilient. Hard times build character they say.

The deceased are also a factor that many people ignore. I have a French seer dowser friend who observed that in the ghettos, the deceased "are packed like sardines". They are all miserable, which builds an atmosphere, and the people who live there become miserable too. Ghettos are created in this way.That is misery being used as a practical tool in spiritual level warfare.

An example of this is where we see "missionaries" converting the "heathens" in foreign lands.  Be it Christian, Muslim, Buddhist  or otherwise. What they do is to destroy the indigenous spirituality and replace it with their own.

This has the effect of removing the people whose responsibility is to look after the newly deceased so they don't stay and cause problems like form ghettos.

Another example is the plight of Muslim girls who suicide rather than become child brides. The problem is suicide is forbidden for them and they cannot enter Paradise.They are excluded. So one must work out something for them, otherwise they become victims in the afterlife. We're working on that one here too.

I've found that people are fairly easy to read if you listen carefully to what they say, and watch their body language and behavior.  I've probably developed this ability better than some because I have to hire people for some very difficult, dangerous and highly technical jobs which require a variety of skills, mental qualities and psychological makeup.  Making a mistake can be a painful and expensive experience.

But I think you hit the nail on the head, Nugget, with your statement about listening.  I would only add that there is more more than one way to 'listen' to a person, and part of that might not be verbal.

People say I have an uncanny ability in this regard, but I don't see it that way.  The way I see it is, I realize the downside of making a mistake, so I'm extra careful up front.  Living in a world where everything moves at 500mph and everyone's hair is on fire, all the time (like 24 x 7 x 365, no joke) does this to a person.  I also have a very structured way I learn to understand a person.  One of the easiest things to see or understand is what a person likes, or what interests them.  They don't even really have to say much verbally to see this; you can see it in their body language.  Fear, is one of the first things I look for.  Once I see it, then I'm going to zero in on it to understand it better.  Over confidence is the second thing I look for (the opposite of fear); over confidence often equates to recklessness and/or bravado, neither of which work in this field. 

But understanding people isn't just about work.  However, a lot of the things I've learned in my professional life spill over into my personal life as well.  Part of the reason for this is, I know my own personality type, and I know what types of people I will get along with (or won't).  Sometimes I might have a friend who is completely bat-shit crazy, and that's perfectly fine...just so long as that personality isn't hidden somewhere.  Then I always know exactly what I'm dealing with.

I generally avoid people I sense have some deep hidden secret.  I don't expect people to bare their soul to me, but you can usually tell when someone has some buried issue.  These things tend to rear their head's at the worst possible times under both professional and personal circumstances.  I don't like surprises as a rule, and I like those the least of all, because suddenly one crisis and turn into two or three crises, some of which are unnecessary 'baggage' when you're in a jam or tight spot. 

The mantra I use is what I call..."High Speed, Low Drag".  That has worked out pretty well for me.  Every time I've ever made an exception to that rule I've wound up getting bitten.

That's not to be confused with..."Wild and Loose", which is really translated to 'Not capable and reckless'.

(03-20-2025, 01:18 AM)FCD Wrote:  I know my own personality type, and I know what types of people I will get along with (or won't). 

People are raised to focus outward on 'things' as a sign of how successful their life is and few know anything about themselves. It sounds to me like you've taken a thorough inventory of who FCD is and what he stands for; a very rare thing in today's age.

When I was 20 I bought Norman Vincent Peal's book 'How to Read a Person Like a Book' and began decades of people watching/disecting. That led me to accepting the 'sixth sense'element....where just standing in the proximity of someone gave off 'vibes', either positive or negative. 
Nikola Tesla said "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration". I've come to believe that we read-consciously or subconsciously- the enegry field that surrounds all living things. It's onlyfailed me onetime....

An elderly checker at a local convience store was the most personalbe guy you'd ever meet. Turns out he had a rap sheet going back decades, from armed bank robery to drug dealing to a penchant for young boys.
That REALLY bothered me; my internal warning light didn't even blink.
I've since come to realize I had met my first true psychopath. They have no empathy or sense of moral values and can become very good at 'reading' others so they can present an appropriate emotional response.

In hindsight the guy didn't give off any 'vibes; niether positive nornegative; he was a souless shell. I'd like to thing the 'fool me once' motto applies here.

Loved your post, FCD; I think you may be far more in tune with your esoterical nature than you realize- you just describe it by more modern vernacular.