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Consciousness studies 1 - Neolithic resonance chambers

Why is this paranormal?

Trust me, bro! Here's a conference publication from 2015, Neolithic Art, Archaeoacoustics, and Neuroscience discussing it a bit. During searches later in the writing I also came across this article in Popular Archeology, which is a brief read.

This is probably just part 1 of a series that will look at the exploration of consciousness. I'll see how it goes and how much interest there is, but more nuanced topics like starting your own exploration and the techniques I've found useful may be in later parts. These techniques can be used just to enhance the efficacy of meditation or, at the extremes, facilitate much more profound experiences. Under this umbrella you'll find everything from lucid dreams to out of body experiences. Between the two are things like divination, remote viewing, and ESP. Also under this umbrella are things considered to be mentalism, which has a long and controversial history. I have found practice of any techniques that exploit these phenomena have synergistic benefits to the practice of all the other techniques.

That stuff will be later though. First, a bit of history and some modern academic work. The evidence helps foster belief and belief is far more important than most people think. You are the observer, the one to bring about the collapse of wave function, and your belief has real impacts on how the world evolves around you. The human brain is a quantum computational device. Roger Penrose has two books on that subject, but Shadows of the Mind is the most recent. Penrose has a Nobel in physics and his work was instrumental in the evolution of my beliefs. It helped explain some of my experiences and gave me a thread to pull for further research.

Neolithic resonance chambers are found in a number of locations that have had a long history of human habitation, though some resonance chambers also date from more recent times and many haven't seen habitation for some time. There is probably a lot of wiggle room about dating too, but the focus of my study is mostly just anything older than 500 years or so. Places include Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum (Malta)Newgrange, Walyand's Smithy, Chun Quoit (and others Ireland & UK)Great Pyramid (King's Chamber), and Chavín de Huántar (Peru). This isn't comprehensive and I may be forgetting some, but a couple of the links will lead to more than just the sites listed. There are a number suspected and yet to be tested. Some of them are not chambers, but stone circles or open auditorium type structures.

While the acoustical properties vary, they tend to cluster around 110 Hz. It seems 90-120 Hz is the prevalent range and accounts for the vast majority of the frequencies measured.
Quote:Activity in the left temporal region was found to be significantly lower at 110 Hz than at other frequencies. Additionally, the pattern of
asymmetric activity over the prefrontal cortex shifted from one of higher activity on the left at most frequencies to right-sided dominance at 110 Hz. These findings are compatible with relative deactivation of language centers and a shift in prefrontal activity that may be related to emotional processing
Brain Activity And Acoustic Resonance

The left prefrontal cortex has a couple areas where inhibition via induced lesions (temporary) has shown improvement in psi potential.
Quote:These robust findings across different brain pathologies in neurological patients, as well in healthy participants with reversible rTMS induced brain lesions, support the concept that the brain acts as a filter to inhibit psi and that the left medial middle frontal region, involving one or more of Brodmann areas 9, 10, and 32, is a key anatomical component of this filter...

Our findings in healthy participants with rTMS induced reversible brain lesions are potentially transformative for the way we view interactions between the brain and seemingly random events. They replicate our previously published findings in individuals with damage to their frontal lobes and support the concept that the brain serves as a filter to block psi effects. This may help explain why these effects are so small and hard to replicate in healthy participants.
Enhanced mind-matter interactions following rTMS induced frontal lobe inhibition

The CIA document is an interesting read if you haven't read it, but it's not critical to read it all. There are some interesting portions that offer conjecture (and some references) on how what is called kundalini awakening may be a result specific changes in heart rate related to deep mediation causing resonance in the brain cavity.

CIA - Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process

The Gateway Experience is fairly well known in conspiracy and new age communities. It uses a combination of deep relaxation, brain entrainment (hemisync), and some humming, to facilitate altered states. It uses ambient environmental noises to help distract the mind as well. I'm not sure of the precise frequencies used, but they're mentioned at 100 Hz and 105 Hz. That could be more effective it it were 110 and 115, but perhaps it already is and is being misrepresented by other parties. With the different tones in each ear the resulting binaural is at 5 Hz (theta) which a deeply relaxing brain state. It's essentially guided meditation, which can then be repurposed as an autosuggestion (self-hypnosis) technique. People have some success, but often the don't stick with it very long or don't have much more than a refreshing meditative experience.

What The Gateway Experience is missing, aside from the humming during what is referred to as resonant tuning, is vibration strong enough to really reach the brain. It doesn't mean that it can't work, but that it is not complete. The resonance chambers, amplifying the 110 Hz frequency, may very well be able to do that. It's missing some tools that I have personally trained on as well, which relate to maintaining your ego "I am" while moving through various altered states. Those aren't really practical within the scope of the tapes, but prove very valuable for exploration. I understand that some later modules of The Gateway Experience get into more advanced techniques, but cost is prohibitive and the first module is widely available (and provides the framework you need to do the rest).

I'm not going to go too far into the spiritual practices of Tibetan monks, Hindu mystics, and various other groups, but it is commonly known that they exploit acoustics to enhance their rituals. I believe this practice predates recorded history, which seems to be supported by the presence of these precisely constructed structures. I also have (had) a private source from an esoteric group that has maintained similar practices which originated in Assyria. I think that it is probably related to the Magi as well, of Zoroastrianism. Unfortunately, geopolitical events may prevent the world from ever learning more about that particular group. Important though, is that their practices in the use of resonance and acoustics is merely the conclusion of an initiation process. It's also a test. It's just the introduction to entering these altered states, not the culmination of their practices. Once that state is achieved it is expected that the initiated can continue their journeys without the full initiation ritual.

In my experience the more one practices, the easier and more fluid the movement into these states. Some people have advantages, but I have no insight on how that comes about. I suspect it has something to do with neural architecture, but I don't really know. There's also a lot of culturally reinforced inhibition, which has a far greater effect than one might imagine. If nothing else, these cultural (sometimes religious) inhibitions mean that the topic doesn't get much attention in academic research. Experimental design is a significant barrier as well. There is no tool to directly measure the quantum fields and their interactions. Research deals with incredibly indirect measurements or what could be considered to be almost abstract evidence.

It's my belief that direct experience is really the best evidence. Until you do something that everyone else considers magic or new age nonsense, it's very difficult to believe that these experiences are real. I don't really debate the topic. It took me many years, many experiences in a variety of forms, to believe in the non-physical nature of my consciousness. I recognize some as local, as in they are moderated through my brain. I recognize others as something more, because they can have very real impacts on the world and provide very real information. With $50-100 thousand for equipment and a proper lab space, I could have a lot of fun.

So to recap. The 110 Hz resonance inhibits left frontal lobe activity and shifts some activity to the right frontal lobe. I didn't include above that Gary Nolan has done some work that indicates increased activity in the caudate and putamen in people that had an experience with a UAP. That will be perhaps tied in at a later time, with the physical resonance in chambers being able to reach that location. Inhibition of the left frontal lobe, particularly in Brodmann areas 9, 10, and 32, increases psi effects in a measurable way. Ancient resonance chambers often are tuned to 110 Hz and may have amplified a group chant to levels capable of causing the physical vibration of that resonance to all parts of the brain. Another interesting thing found near some of these ancient sites are depictions of what appear to be standing waves in stone carvings.

This research into Neolithic resonance chambers is the most recent of my studies, but it seems to make sense as a starting point or prologue to things that I have been practicing or experiencing for much longer. It's the freshest in my mind, so I sort of remember where to look. With the information I've gathered on these chambers the next step in exploring enhancement of these states is finding or creating a small device that can cause the same physical vibration as the focal points found in the chambers. I'll be doing an experiment with a TBD 10,000-15,000 gauss static magnetic field to inhibit left frontal lobe via glial "fatigue", which will probably happen before I figure out how to simulate the chamber effect. This isn't the same as the rTMS, but static magnetic fields have been shown to accelerate nanoparticle uptake in glial cells. This may or may not lead to a "fatigued" state. Unlike rTMS, static magnetic fields are also low risk for experimentation.

I'm going to call it for this part. It feels like a fragment because it is. The main issue with getting a thread like this together is running down all the information so I can link to it. This ends up taking many hours more than just writing it from memory. Some of the materials linked are new to me, but have information that I had already gathered at some point. I'm not endorsing the bulk of the material, just offering it as a starting point if you'd care to do more research on anything I've said. I can't be arsed to do a full review of all the articles and then also run down all the secondary sources used. 

Do I believe in all this stuff? Absolutely. As somebody that was engaging with the world through the eyes of a scientist since I was around six years old it took a long time and a lot of personal experience to believe. I am not religious and had great disdain for religion. I mostly still do, but I have stopped throwing out the baby with the bath water if it contributes to my research. Penrose gave me a bridge between science and woo, but that really only accelerated my pursuit of more information. I still look for academic work providing evidence, but my beliefs have shifted in the past decade and I no longer need more evidence. There are still many missing pieces and not just for me, but for the entirety of (publicly available) science. I strongly suspect there's a great deal more, but I think that those in control of the flow of information have embargoed it.

3/9/2024 - Changed title to reflect part of series - working on part 2 covering rituals and practices associated with altered states.

Interesting. You have reminded me of the construction of a labyrinth at Benton Castle in Wales, UK.

Here is the article from which I quote below: The Castle Benton Labyrinth

Quote:Bill Cooper, a retired Major General in the British Army, is now the President of the British Society of Dowsers. He told me that one day he had been at Benton Castle for lunch (Elizabeth is an outstanding cook). and he found that there was a dome of water under her dining room table. He had dowsed the castle on previous visits, and there had been no domes under the castle. They both found the new dome, and it appeared to be moving slowly towards the labyrinth!

(Note: "Domes" in this context are blind springs.)

Perhaps the labyrinth of standing stones acted as a resonator, attracting the water.

(03-05-2025, 08:05 AM)NobodySpecial268 Wrote: Interesting. You have reminded me of the construction of a labyrinth at Benton Castle in Wales, UK.

Here is the article from which I quote below: The Castle Benton Labyrinth

(Note: "Domes" in this context are blind springs.)

Perhaps the labyrinth of standing stones acted as a resonator, attracting the water.

An interesting site and I'd never heard of it before.

I did come across stone circles mentioned, but not a great deal of information of how they may have amplified specific frequencies. Something interesting is that some of the stones used in these circles are singing stones. They ring when struck with a smaller stone.

Penrose and Hameroff have proposed that microtubules in the cytokine structures of the brain are the source of consciousness. They are part of the structure that glial cells are found in. Structured water, which is a proposed 4th state of water having a liquid crystalline structure at microscopic scales when in contact with hydrophilic surfaces, is found within the microtubules. I considered including this in the first part, but had enough with running down links for one sitting. A crystalline structure of matter gives it some unique properties when subjected to different frequencies. They are often presumed to typically have a resonance frequency that matches the Schumann resonance frequency around 7.8 Hz.

I don't know if this has been mapped or if there are even models showing what the network of microtubules would look like. I imagine it looks like a dense mesh, thought on a nanoscale the individual microtubules are constantly winding and unwinding based on the needs of the cells they serve. It's a dynamic living mesh, lined with crystalline structures of water, and it seems likely to be responsible for some of the profound effects of the 110 Hz resonance.

I mention it now because your link goes into the presence of water beneath under the castle. While bulk water isn't considered to have these structured properties, there are components in some soils that are hydrophilic. That means that structured water is formed in the exclusion zone where water is in contact with those surfaces. This would presumable form a mesh, though less ordered than what I would expect to find in the brain. How it might be harnessed, the uses of it, I can only guess. It could be that dowsing for water is based on very minor, but broadly present, coherence between the states of liquid crystalline water found in both the brain and ground water. The more water present in the ground, the greater the broad coherence with the microtubule structures. It seems like a stretch that such a micro force could result in macro perception, but there is conjecture that gravity (the weakest of fundamental forces) is critical to the function of microtubules. Quantum coherence, not to be confused with quantum entanglement, would be a similarly weak (fragile is better word) force.

To start offering conjecture on how dowsing for other things works I would have to go too far afield for right now. Divination seems to always include a tuning process, but it's outside my experience so I have no insight into it as of yet. My thoughts on how it works with water were merely derivative of other research that happened to include a fair amount of crossover.

Quote:What The Gateway Experience is missing, aside from the humming during what is referred to as resonant tuning, is vibration strong enough to really reach the brain. It doesn't mean that it can't work, but that it is not complete. The resonance chambers, amplifying the 110 Hz frequency, may very well be able to do that.

It's very brave of you to comeout of the 'paranormal' closet, as it were!  Biggrin
It seems to methat organized religion created a belief system where mankind was made to believe our connection to all that is and the abilitiesto control our environment were demonic. Before we even have a chance to explore our complete nature early programming by the churches fills us with fear of eternal damnation in Sunday school......and you should never, ever question the official church doctrine on the matter.

One thing that has stood out to me in all my years of learning about our hidden talents is how so many cultures used rythmic chanting and/or dancing to induce altered states or connect to this other aspect/realm of our being.
I once joined a workshop intended to retrieve our spirit animal, which far exceeded my expectations. I've not experienced a rythmic induced and meditative altered states since I was a kid and never could zccept the church's belief that demons were after my soul and needed to be cast out. To my young mind Jesus 'knew' things, too and His Father never ordered an exorcism.  Biggrin

One thought that stands out to me above all others is: The earth is our Mother; if we kill our Mother there will be no more children.

(03-05-2025, 01:01 PM)Nugget Wrote: It's very brave of you to comeout of the 'paranormal' closet, as it were!  Biggrin
It seems to methat organized religion created a belief system where mankind was made to believe our connection to all that is and the abilitiesto control our environment were demonic. Before we even have a chance to explore our complete nature early programming by the churches fills us with fear of eternal damnation in Sunday school......and you should never, ever question the official church doctrine on the matter.

One thing that has stood out to me in all my years of learning about our hidden talents is how so many cultures used rythmic chanting and/or dancing to induce altered states or connect to this other aspect/realm of our being.
I once joined a workshop intended to retrieve our spirit animal, which far exceeded my expectations. I've not experienced a rythmic induced and meditative altered states since I was a kid and never could zccept the church's belief that demons were after my soul and needed to be cast out. To my young mind Jesus 'knew' things, too and His Father never ordered an exorcism.  Biggrin

One thought that stands out to me above all others is: The earth is our Mother; if we kill our Mother there will be no more children.

When I was in high school string theory was just sort of emerging in the public consciousness even though it had been around a while. I batted it around with friends and classmates that were willing. I wasn't ever really in the strange physics closet publicly in real life, just lacked space to discuss it without a lot of interference. It was interesting to me, but it didn't feel right either. It was a dead end and I mostly just put theorizing about the nature of time and consciousness to the side for 25 years. After 2019 I had more time on my hands to get back to it and a lot had happened. Classical physics is more widely acknowledged now as being very incomplete and by many to be fundamentally broken.

I taught or trained myself to lucid dream around that time too, but didn't stick with it.

Now I can entered lucid dream states while awake and remain aware through various altered states. It's fascinating to me, but is also taxing. My experimentation is mostly focused on things that can help facilitate those states. Practice is mostly about extending the duration, degree of control I have, and maintaining the "I am" in those states. Prior work was on creating persistent cognitive spaces that could be entered with minimal effort, like a mind palace if you've heard the term before. The mind wants to retreat when you put your body into a state akin to sleep. Some people are really predisposed to entering these states, but I think only unicorns can do it without much practice. Having built a subconscious retreat, which you could think of as a perch for your consciousness to observe things from, it lessens the effort required to move through those states while maintaining awareness. It's still fragile for me.

When I say I'm putting something on the back burner, these days, it's in a fairly literally sense. There are cognitive processes that occur without conscious effort in a persistent subconscious location. When I go to stir the stew, I never know what insights will have developed during the simmering. Many people have this going on and don't even realize it, but I've learned how to put what I want back there. If you've ever woken up in the morning with a solution to a problem you had when you went to sleep, you're enjoying the stew from that back burner. One of the things that I think is instrumental in all of this is learning to get the subconscious processes on the team. It can't be manipulated in real time, but persistent nudging allows one to shape it over time. The guardian of the threshold lives there. You need to tend its orchards if you want to eat its fruit.

I have a work in progress that discusses how all the old religions seems to have rituals or practices that work toward bringing these states about, but it's been abandoned for a while now and I may never finish. The techniques vary, but they all have the same purpose. You are sniffing the right trail, for sure.

I know there are others out that have their own insights. My hope is that we can provide a small hub for this kind of discussion, which is why I'm posting. I've previously offered private assistance to a few individuals that were having difficulty dealing with anomalous events they have or did have experiences with, but there's never been a home base where people could reach out. Most people seem to take one of three paths. They ignore it unless it is too disruptive to continue doing so, find a religious belief system that works for them, or they enter the new age orbit. Those don't capture or work for everyone and I've seen more than one person quite literally lose their mind trying to process their experiences. I don't think that needs to happen as often as it does if people have a release valve and just a few answers that help explain what they're experiencing.

I think that there is an awakening happening. Whether it's related to the changes in energy density in the part of the universe we move through (which is not just conjecture), the weakening of the magnetic field of the earth (also not conjecture), or something else (conjectures abound), I can't say. People that already had a connection to their anomalous perceptual tools are finding that their senses are growing stronger. Many people that never had a connection seem to be finding one. For some it's a very personal experience with what you hear thrown around in UFO circles... ontological shock. The ontology is not what they were told and not what they had experienced up to that point, but suddenly in adulthood they get clobbered on the head with it. It's unsettling.

We know is so little that our knowledge is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, so it's not at all surprising to me when weird things happen. Some people get bent out of shape when their coffee isn't right, so paranormal experiences are a large wrench in their gears.

(03-05-2025, 12:28 PM)Ksihkehe Wrote: An interesting site and I'd never heard of it before.

I did come across stone circles mentioned, but not a great deal of information of how they may have amplified specific frequencies. Something interesting is that some of the stones used in these circles are singing stones. They ring when struck with a smaller stone.

Penrose and Hameroff have proposed that microtubules in the cytokine structures of the brain are the source of consciousness. They are part of the structure that glial cells are found in. Structured water, which is a proposed 4th state of water having a liquid crystalline structure at microscopic scales when in contact with hydrophilic surfaces, is found within the microtubules. I considered including this in the first part, but had enough with running down links for one sitting. A crystalline structure of matter gives it some unique properties when subjected to different frequencies. They are often presumed to typically have a resonance frequency that matches the Schumann resonance frequency around 7.8 Hz.

I don't know if this has been mapped or if there are even models showing what the network of microtubules would look like. I imagine it looks like a dense mesh, thought on a nanoscale the individual microtubules are constantly winding and unwinding based on the needs of the cells they serve. It's a dynamic living mesh, lined with crystalline structures of water, and it seems likely to be responsible for some of the profound effects of the 110 Hz resonance.

I mention it now because your link goes into the presence of water beneath under the castle. While bulk water isn't considered to have these structured properties, there are components in some soils that are hydrophilic. That means that structured water is formed in the exclusion zone where water is in contact with those surfaces. This would presumable form a mesh, though less ordered than what I would expect to find in the brain. How it might be harnessed, the uses of it, I can only guess. It could be that dowsing for water is based on very minor, but broadly present, coherence between the states of liquid crystalline water found in both the brain and ground water. The more water present in the ground, the greater the broad coherence with the microtubule structures. It seems like a stretch that such a micro force could result in macro perception, but there is conjecture that gravity (the weakest of fundamental forces) is critical to the function of microtubules. Quantum coherence, not to be confused with quantum entanglement, would be a similarly weak (fragile is better word) force.

To start offering conjecture on how dowsing for other things works I would have to go too far afield for right now. Divination seems to always include a tuning process, but it's outside my experience so I have no insight into it as of yet. My thoughts on how it works with water were merely derivative of other research that happened to include a fair amount of crossover.

There is an old dowser's trick for when one moves rocks around, say building a rockery in the garden or a dry stone wall. When the stone is in its final place, give it a few whacks with the hammer on the top. That was never explained to me, but the sound would travel into the ground, and the stone would be 'grounded' in its new place.

I have one of those 'structured water' devices installed on my home water system. They work. My kettle doesn't get the carbonate deposits and my garden is much healthier. I practice biodynamics in my garden and use structured water to make the homeopathic remedies now instead of rainwater. Structured water works.

My own thoughts on the Brenton Castle labyrinth are that the finished labyrinth attracted what we would call a 'water spirit'. Basically, Sulivan created a potential home and someone moved in.