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Memory Lane....

When I was a little girl I was wise, for I viewed the world through innocent eye.

Life held no boundaries,, for my spirit was free!

But that's when I was a little girl....something I never again will be.

Another day in Trump's fascist America. You can't even identify as a little girl unless you're actually a little girl.


(02-22-2025, 03:37 AM)Ksihkehe Wrote: Another day in Trump's fascist America. You can't even identify as a little girl unless you're actually a little girl.


Heart your humor, Ksihkehe!  Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

You never disappoint!  Drinkingcheers

My little girl is 13 this year. I've always joked about putting a heavy book on my kids' heads and force them to wear wooden shoes so they won't grow up and this week for the first time ever she told me she doesn't want to grow up no more.
I bet the house that little girl's spirit is still shining through Nugs. 
Ok, I'm renting but still, I'm willing to bet the house.

(03-06-2025, 02:53 PM)19Bones79 Wrote: I bet the house that little girl's spirit is still shining through Nugs. 

It is, though it is hidden from the majority of society for safety's sake. 

I think when a soul is filled with tears you can either drown or change every single tear to laughter. I guess there is a third choice; you can destroy your ability to feel empathy, which is supposedly what seperates humans from the animal kingdom.

The internet has served as a safe place to express oneself and seems to act as a buffer zone around the psyche for a lot of people, it seems.

I sometimes wonder how many people have to hide their true nature from the general population? It reminds me of the story of Peter denying knowing Jesus.

(03-06-2025, 03:38 PM)Nugget Wrote: I sometimes wonder how many people have to hide their true nature from the general population? It reminds me of the story of Peter denying knowing Jesus.

This brought to mind the saying that it's not an achievement to be well adjusted in a sick society. 


(03-07-2025, 07:43 AM)19Bones79 Wrote: This brought to mind the saying that it's not an achievement to be well adjusted in a sick society. 

That's a new one to me; I love it!

Always happy to oblige a young lady.


(03-07-2025, 11:04 AM)19Bones79 Wrote: Always happy to oblige a young lady.

A woman can only fool herself into believing she's still a 'young' lady until that fateful day arrives when she can no longer ignore reality; the day she has to start putting her bra on one leg at a time, like every other 'senior' lady. 

I guesstimate I am now older than dirt.  Biggrin

(03-07-2025, 01:41 PM)Nugget Wrote: A woman can only fool herself into believing she's still a 'young' lady until that fateful day arrives when she can no longer ignore reality; the day she has to start putting her bra on one leg at a time, like every other 'senior' lady. 

I guesstimate I am now older than dirt.  Biggrin

Still, the image has merit. I can't imagine it not outperforming breakdancing at the Olympics.