11-07-2024, 09:11 PM
This would fit in several categories and quite conceivably diseases and pandemics are indeed just viewednasna tool for the NWO (WEF, globalists, authoritarians, The Science) now. I'm putting it here because it is ultimately the real science of public health that reveals what the true intentions of these policies are. It isn't to keep you well or protect anybody.
The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide
Many billions of dollars were spent on biosafety and pandemic planning after 9/11. That doesn't include the massive paydays that public health, medical conglomerates, and the pharmaceutical industry, made on H1N1 and other manufactured emergencies.
All of that planning, most done in good faith by people at the local level, was totally ignored for the sake of their fake emergency. There was no science involved in these decisions. There was no population health metric weighed against outrageous violations of basic human rights.
I could write a book on the fall of public health. The sociopaths and criminally negligent scumbags I've encountered; the veneer of science slapped over power grabs and profiteering; the lack of transparency; the constant efforts to undermine any perceived loss of power; the capture of ademic institutions and government agencies; the total disregard for medical ethics and best practices; a toxic stew of modern eugenics.
As I explore suppressed treatments I'm becoming amazed at what has been hidden from the public. I've been very into naturally sourced or derived medicines for a long time, but I'm finding things that truly astound me. There are lots of turds in the mix too, but I've found some amazing things that I hope will change medicine once the pharmaceutical companies are no longer renting out our federal agencies and academic institutions.
I hope that the US election was a turning point, but the battle is far from over. Now it feels, for the first time since 2020, I won't have to fight against anti-science authoritarianism with both hands tied behind my back.
The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide
Quote:By absence of empirical data, the meaning is: nothing like this has ever been tried. The point of the document was to map out how it could be possible and alert authorities to possible pitfalls to be avoided.This absence of empirical data is the exact opposite of what is demanded whenever somebody has presented a clear mechanism for the vaccines to cause harm, including evidence from the very trials that were used to approve them. The CDC and FDA wish to operate at the "speed of science" when enacting policy or approving drugs, but at the speed of government when investigating adverse events or releasing data.
Quote:The model establishes three levels. First is the household level. Here high-risk people are“physically isolated from other household members.” That alone is objectionable. Elders need people to take care of them. They need love and to be surrounded by family. The CDC should never imagine that it would intervene in households to force old people into separate places.
The model jumps from households to the “neighborhood level.” Here we have the same approach: forced separation of those deemed vulnerable.
From there, the model jumps again to the “camp/sector level.” Here it is different. “A group of shelters such as schools, community buildings within a camp/sector (max 50 high-risk individuals per single green zone) where high-risk individuals are physically isolated together. One entry point is used for exchange of food, supplies, etc. A meeting area is used for residents and visitors to interact while practicing physical distancing (2 meters). No movement into or outside the green zone.”
Yes, you read that correctly. The CDC is here proposing concentration camps for the sick or anyone they deem to be in danger of medically significant consequences of infection.
Many billions of dollars were spent on biosafety and pandemic planning after 9/11. That doesn't include the massive paydays that public health, medical conglomerates, and the pharmaceutical industry, made on H1N1 and other manufactured emergencies.
All of that planning, most done in good faith by people at the local level, was totally ignored for the sake of their fake emergency. There was no science involved in these decisions. There was no population health metric weighed against outrageous violations of basic human rights.
I could write a book on the fall of public health. The sociopaths and criminally negligent scumbags I've encountered; the veneer of science slapped over power grabs and profiteering; the lack of transparency; the constant efforts to undermine any perceived loss of power; the capture of ademic institutions and government agencies; the total disregard for medical ethics and best practices; a toxic stew of modern eugenics.
As I explore suppressed treatments I'm becoming amazed at what has been hidden from the public. I've been very into naturally sourced or derived medicines for a long time, but I'm finding things that truly astound me. There are lots of turds in the mix too, but I've found some amazing things that I hope will change medicine once the pharmaceutical companies are no longer renting out our federal agencies and academic institutions.
I hope that the US election was a turning point, but the battle is far from over. Now it feels, for the first time since 2020, I won't have to fight against anti-science authoritarianism with both hands tied behind my back.