(01-24-2025, 01:57 AM)FCD Wrote: I've been thinking about this OP off and on all day and something just occurred to me. It's maybe a bit off-topic as it doesn't deal with the end goal of AI, but it does involve what I think might be a really good use for AI.
Why not use AI to do the following:
- Give a powerful AI instance the basics of the dark web, as well as giving it the browser tools to access the dark web. Probably wouldn't take much to teach it how to find websites and do searches (because it already does that now on the regular Internet).
- Then, feed the AI with all the data from all the known manifestos of these crazed mass killing events which are often precipitated by a long and dark history of rantings and postings in places like the dark web on subversive and socially destructive sites. And instruct the AI instance to create algorithms to search for this kind of stuff.
- Then, have AI search out all the people who are making crazy and/or threatening rantings or manifestos and make their guardians aware of these activities and/or contact them directly and let them know they have been identified and offer to get them assistance (be it mental, medical or social counseling)
Now, at first glance, this may seem like an intrusive Big Brother thing, and it kind of is in a way, and I'm not suggesting these people be arrested or institutionalized (or anything like that), but just let their legal guardian(s) and/or themselves directly (in the absence of a guardian) know that assistance is available to them. This would accomplish a couple potentially positive things. One, it would let the individual know that others are aware of their activities (which common sense would dictate they should pretty much know anyway, but apparently many don't). And two, might actually encourage some percentage to actually seek the help they need.
And just to be clear here, I'm talking about people who are making threatening rants or advocating violence against others.
Background - We keep hearing about these mass killing events where, after the fact, this long trail of violent rantings clearly showed an unstable individual. The recent Nashville school shooting incident as an example (two days ago I believe). Same with the NYC insurance CEO killer, and many others.
This is just a rough though which requires refinement, but this might be an example of an 'end-goal' for AI which might actually result in some good. I don't think putting the government in charge of something like this would be a good idea, but maybe there's a way to stand something like this up in the private sector. Again, just a rough outline of an idea, so don't thump on me too hard, LOL!
Good idea? Horrible (you're FIRED!) idea? Thoughts?
First thing I tought of is forums like ATS where posters were blustering with bravado about civil war since the 2020 election; actually, before. Outdoing each other on their preparedness and drawing lines in the sand gave me quite a few chuckles.
I took it as blowing off steam by keyboard blowhard warriors. Forums are like a safe space for those who just want to look like the toughest guy in the room. If you have to brag about your capabilities, you ain't got squat. lol
One off THE biggest problems IMHO is the normalization of SSRI's. From Dr. Merchola's site (and there are plenty of others espousing the saame thing if you don't like him):
"SSRI antidepressants are among the most harmful medications on the market, impacting society due to their widespread (and frequently unjustifiable) use
Common side effects of SSRIs (and SNRIs) include sexual dysfunction (which is often permanent), emotional numbness, severe agitation, violent psychosis, cognitive decline, and birth defects
The most concerning SSRI side effect is their tendency to cause grisly suicides and homicidal violence which includes mass shootings
Psychiatry's denial of SSRI-related issues often leads to misinterpretation of side effects as signs of pre-existing mental illness, resulting in more medication and catastrophic consequences
SSRIs, like other stimulant drugs (e.g., cocaine), can create aggressive behaviors and are highly addictive so many SSRI enter severe withdrawals once they stop them. Unfortunately, few resources exist for patients struggling to quit SSRIs"
I don't think the side effects of 'better living through modern chemistry' are unknown, or accidental. Those at the top of the food chain know exactly what they're doing.
Just my 2 cents.