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Echo Chamber?...I think NOT!

I'm not going to bother breaking out all the quotes, but it shouldn't need them. Aside from Israel and the economy I have nothing much to add.

I addressed something related to the Israel discussions in this thread. It's touchy because it can't be discussed properly. It would be a lot less touchy if the US press didn't refuse to show the thousands of images and videos of the massacre of civilians happening in one of the most densely populated places on the planet. If people were confronted with the real murdered Palestinian kids as often as they were with any of the sensationalized (and sometimes fake) murdered Israelis, it might not be something you get called anti-Semitic for speaking out against. The hostage discussions leave out that Israel has been taking hostages and detaining them, often abusing them in terrible ways, for years. There are no good guys that murder, rape, and abuse other human beings. No little hat hides that from God.

I'm tired of listening to celebrities and influencers that happen to be Jewish AND happen to be raging assholes tell us that every criticism against them is the next holocaust. It's disgusting that something as horrible as attempted genocide 8 decades ago has become fodder for the poor me crowd in the richest, most liberal, Jewish friendly (and Jewish influenced), society to exist in history. I'm married to a Jew, my best friend is a Jew, and I even went to a Jewish day camp for a couple years because I got a poor goy scholarship. Collectively, with our 150 years or so of either living as or living around Jews, we have seen zero anti-Semitism in person. I have no doubt it happens, but observing something on the Internet is not real life. It's a media and information mafia protecting a global war machine, a massive censorship industry, and very dystopian digital control apparatus that the US government allows to habitually infringe on US citizens rights. The neocons that got ass mad over their Facebooks posts being removed are about six months away from sending their kids to die in a war for the country that helps facilitate that censorship (and secretly hate them).

I saw screaming emotional bullshit on ATS about how Israel has a right to defend itself.

Defending yourself isn't leveling of blocks and blocks of civilian buildings with people inside them. It's not putting explosives in consumer electronics. The press won't report it and it's anti-Semitic to point out that Israel has killed multiple 1,000's more Semitic people in this war than Hamas did. They killed doctors, journalists, aid workers, and killed civilians trying to reach humanitarian aid. There are protests against that warmongering bloodthirsty government in their own country, filled with Jews that don't agree with it either. I gladly stand with those Jews and any other that disavows state murder. There are plenty of Muslims in the same boat, they don't support murder either. We have funded the extremist elements all over the Middle East for decades. Now we murder children because the terrorists we (and Israel) continue to fund commit acts of terrorism. It's now open season on minority factions in Syria too, committed by Western backed-terrorists that are soon going to be reputationally rehabilitated and join "the international community".

Hamas is a terrorist organization, but we can discuss that pretty much anywhere we want and it's not really news to anyone if we do. I refuse to be shamed for being against the state indiscriminately murdering civilians, no matter who is doing the killing. People that feel the need to make accusations because I'm against murder pretty much remove the necessity for me to even respond to them. They're mentally disturbed and have lost their way as human beings. It's not even worth discussing it with these people anyway. Let them froth at the mouth and hope they never have to learn the hard way what it's like when their kids are the ones on the wrong end of a "precision" missile strike that levels an apartment building next to the food they're scavenging.

We shall see what the economy does. It's much worse than anybody seems to think. Everything that was wrong in 2008 is still wrong and in many cases the situation is worse. Imagine the shit they peddled during COVID, the whole process of it, then apply that level of manipulation to what you see on even the hardcore financial news sources. Those are total rags now. Expert economists going on to the news and telling us that if we don't count the price of gas, food, and housing, CPI is only 3%. Good thing we don't need any of those to survive, right.

Most of what Trump wants to do on the economy seems like common sense, but common sense that is built on decades of the ineffective conventional wisdom isn't going to fix this. Economists are now postulating that cutting edge economics is where you consider debt as assets. It works because it's effectively what happens in practice. Wait until the bank failures start at the regional level. That's going to be starting again soon, repo markets are being cut way back. The regionals are going to be farmed off to the big banks and we're going to be the backstop for all the toxic debt. They're telling you China's economy is collapsing... but China chose not to bail out the "too big to fail" crowd. Their economy looks bad because they aren't propping up all the zombie companies. Meanwhile, their consumer spending has gone down because they've stopped buying expensive products like Apple and shifted to domestic products. They did the same thing as the US in their first crisis and actually learned a lesson about bailouts... they never end with one and it doesn't fix anything. It literally just nationalizes institutional fraud.

Trump also had his thumb in his ass while half the small business industry was wiped out over a cold virus less deadly than most flu. His AG should have filed civil rights suits against all these states the grossly violated the rights of their citizens. They file civil rights lawsuits over trans bathrooms and criminals being shot, but nobody care about all of us when we're being trampled by authoritarians. Instead of filing lawsuits he sent checks to a bunch of states that then spent it on kickbacks (a corporate loan that gets forgiven is a kickback and there's no convincing me otherwise). Small businesses went out of business. I hope he does better, but we'll see.

When Trump realizes, if he realizes, that he can't prevent a serious financial crisis... maybe he'll start listening to the right people. Right now, the best I hope for is that he will move faster and more decisively than anyone else would to a rapidly evolving crisis on multiple fronts on the economy.

Don't get me wrong, plenty of people still do just fine even if a lot of the world goes to shit. I think even the ones that are doing just fine in the middle class will be tightening their belts in ways they didn't imagine at some point during this one.

Ksihkehe wrote: "When Trump realizes, if he realizes, that he can't prevent a serious financial crisis... maybe he'll start listening to the right people."

If people would just stop and think for two seconds about Trump's change of heart on digital currency and AI they would see the writing oin the wall.
The Patriot Act is being taken to the next level.
Sadly, what I'm seeing is Trump has been cued in on the shadow government/elite plan to 'save the planet', wich unfortunately requires a culling of the useless masses.
I think the 1% (Gates, Soros, etc.) honestly believe the only way to save planet earth is to reduce the population to 500 million. It's for 'the greater good' and nobody lives forever, right?

(01-21-2025, 08:22 PM)FCD Wrote: What this website is, is freedom of expression, freedom of speech...something sorely missing from our society for so long!

Ok but you have to admit it is kind of an echo chamber. So far, at least Wink

(02-26-2025, 06:38 PM)TokenLiberal Wrote: Ok but you have to admit it is kind of an echo chamber. So far, at least Wink

The more people who agree with a thread the more likely someone who disagrees is likely to call it an echo chamber.

Without offering an opposing view it doen't mean much and sounds like gaslighting with over-used main stream talking points.

Is there something in this thread you see from a different perspective?

(02-26-2025, 08:31 PM)Nugget Wrote: The more people who agree with a thread the more likely someone who disagrees is likely to call it an echo chamber.

Without offering an opposing view it doen't mean much and sounds like gaslighting with over-used main stream talking points.

I'm talking about the website. That's what the OP is talking about, and I replied to that part specifically.

Gaslighting and mainstream talking points? What are you on about?

Quote:Is there something in this thread you see from a different perspective?

Sure, but I have to pick my battles and prefer more focused discussion.