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Reflecting on the past 4 years

Over the past four years we've seen lots of hyperbole about the outgoing Biden administration.  I've spent the past couple days with two main thoughts.  One of these thoughts is remarkable because of how it eclipses the other.  "Ding, Dong, the witch is dead; the wicked witch is dead!"...comes readily to mind.  I honestly can't believe just how badly I wanted this administration to end; it honestly surprises me.

My two thoughts were:
  • Wow!  I can't believe it's finally over!  And...
  • The shock that tomorrow will be Jan 20th.

Now, these two thoughts may seem like the same thing, but they aren't really, and this is why I talked about reflecting on the past 4 years.  Then, this morning, it hit me.  America has just endured 4 years of destruction by the most corrupt, vile, lying, thieving, morally bankrupt leaders this country has ever seen in the history of this nation.  No administration has ever been left to run so completely and absurdly amok as has been the last 4 years.  Not even close.  And, I say all of these things without even 1% hyperbole.  It was really THAT bad!  And then there's Biden, the "FORMER" (thank Gawd) president.  Here we have a person who has not even been in control of his own mental faculties for the past 2+ years, let alone in charge of the most powerful nation in the free world.  It's shocking, quite frankly.  Just shocking!

There's an old saying which goes..."When the cat's away, the mice will play!"...and this is exactly what happened inside the leadership of this country over the past 2-3 years.  The democrats have not missed a single opportunity to exploit every single one of their crazy leftist agenda items in the leadership vacuum that WAS Biden.  Not that Biden would have done much to stop them, but toward the end it's obvious he became a joke in DC.  "Put it in front of him...he'll sign anything!"...became the mantra of the corrupt democrats.

Lord Acton once said..."Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."  America woke up and realized this on November 5th, despite all the lefts attempts to corrupt the vote.  America spoke.

As we reflect on the past 4 years we see what is quite possibly the worst US presidency this nation will ever see.  I say these words without exaggeration. 

I've long said, a bit tongue and cheek initially, that Joe Biden would make Jimmy Carter look like Ronald Reagan.  And, even as much as we know this will never be true, the contrast of just how bad the Biden administration was compared to the Carter administration truly is shocking. 

I sincerely hope that America will not allow themselves to be duped by a career politician and corrupt hack in a cheap suit like Joe Biden ever again in our future.  He is the shining poster child for what is wrong with American politics.

That is all.

Well said, brother.

My only question would be:

Did they set out to do this on purpose from the get go, or did they take advantage of the situation?

I am really 50/50 on the answer right now...

(01-19-2025, 02:42 PM)Theatreboy Wrote: Well said, brother.

My only question would be:

Did they set out to do this on purpose from the get go, or did they take advantage of the situation?

I am really 50/50 on the answer right now...

I think that's actually the answer right there!  50% of them planned it all along, and the other 50% jumped on the bandwagon after they saw they could be just as "jiggy", crazy and left wing extremist as they wanted to be and no one would call them on it.

When you put it that way....

When you put it that way....

I have to agree with you again!

Before I read anything on this, and only going off of the title alone -- HELL IN A HANDBASKET!


Alright, I will actually read the OP now...

So funny FCD, I have had 'Ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead' ringing in my ears the last 4 days. I almost posted the exact phrase in multiple threads. 

Do you think the left won't go out kicking and screaming? I'm expecting serious shenanigans, starting tomorrow morning...

(01-19-2025, 05:45 PM)KKLoco Wrote: So funny FCD, I have had 'Ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead' ringing in my ears the last 4 days. I almost posted the exact phrase in multiple threads. 

Do you think the left won't go out kicking and screaming? I'm expecting serious shenanigans, starting tomorrow morning...

I dunno, but let's hope they don't try something really stupid.  That could wind up going really badly...for all of America really.

edit - I wouldn't put it past these crazy lefty MF'ers though!! They're straight up crazy, them people!

You didn't do much reflecting, you just ranted about how terrible Biden is. What exactly was so bad about his presidency?

Even at this late stage in the game the United States could make a 'miraculous' turn around if only common sense was a desirable quality amongst politicians because the people enforced it on their representatives. 

The fact that such a statement is usually brushed off as wishful thinking tells me how far the mighty has fallen.

It also shows me every single time, that empires don't stumble and fall like Joe Biden, they are pushed. 

Stabbed in the back, if you will.