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Fletcher Prouty: Fossil Fuels

Most of us have heard the term 'artificial scarcity'. 

This term has been applied to the diamond industry as well as the oil industry always from a critical perspective, but is it true?

When you research these industries you find the same behind the scenes people everytime. 

This 8 minute video should challenge any mainstream view of the oil industry. 

As always, it only leads to more questions.. 

For example, for an entire industry of geologists to simply go along with the schpiel, it would indicate that these people control places of education as well?

If industries are built upon a lie to increase the perceived value of a product, and scientists are taught to support the lie as experts in the field then... 

How close are we to believing only lies about our reality? 



The Diamond Myth is connected to the Advertising Myth which is connected to the Psychology Myth. 

Same people.
