12-20-2024, 02:56 AM
The statement in the image above will quite likely be used very often as a unifying call to rally under the banner of transparency.
Whether the current model of the Fed "collapses", historical moments involving manipulation and fake motivations to enter "war", assassinating a president in broad daylight, the covid scam, and then there's the moonlanding itself. There's much more examples of course.
When all these historical moments are proved to be manipulated, engineered or otherwise, nothing less than a nation's cultural identity is at stake.
What if CIA Director Casey told the truth, for once, ironically enough about how everything is set up to be an illusion?
Here's my added twist:
If the Apollo moonlanding becomes globally known as one of the biggest scams in history, then people won't believe that the planned alien invasion as claimed to be disclosed by Werner von Braun is fake because how can it be faked if we couldn't even go to the moon?
To create the perfect storm, put us on the brink of WW3 and economic collapse.
Set up the progressives as the fall guys.
Have Trump bring in the era of 'transparency'.
Expose the pedos.
Expose the JFK assassination.
The world will be punch drunk from 'revelation'.
The governments unified under the threat of alien invasion as was the dream of Ronald Reagan.
Watch the video below and let me know what you think.