(11-18-2024, 06:30 PM)Nugget Wrote: Would it be a stretch to imagine these 'orbs' creating disaster scenarios? Say, making it unsafe to peacefully assemble in protest of government overeach?
My crystal ball just showed me a massive government caused disaster where UAP's were the perpetrators..... 
Well they still want to reduce the global population to 500 mil what better way than to put the blame on something we have no idea of understanding?
But death and destruction doesn't need to be tied up with the UFO operation.
It's appearance to once and for all convince people of that reality will have leaders falling over themselves to establish what Ronald Reagan was gushing about in my opinion.
A global, unified response to an 'otherworldly' threat.
Cooperation and coordination of the sciences across all borders friend and foe alike working against the possibility of a threat.
Lines get blurred.
We are the world.
Globalism in place quite possibly under the leadership of Trump or whoever takes over for another 4 years.
Whether it's through Globalism or Nationalism, they have been planning long enough to ensure whatever path gets taken that it leads to the same destination.
I don't have a good feeling about 2025,at all.
Even though most people will hail it as a return to more 'normal' times.
That will be the lie, the illusion.