11-21-2024, 12:57 AM
(11-20-2024, 04:41 PM)Nugget Wrote: I think energy is neither good nor bad, Bones; it's the intent that makes it so.
I discovered in 1975 after getting a CB raddio how easily peoples' moods and thoughts can be affected by the actions/words of others; even just the tone of ones' voice.
A "Good morning Vietnam!" sign-on brought pout a lot of exciting energy, where as a sad-sounding greeting would have everyone responding out of concern....at a much lower energy level. Arguments could be deflected by humor, changing the entire essence of energy at play.
I also learned people WANT a leader; someone to responsibility FOR them; someone to 'uplift' them. Of course there are those so vested in their personal midset that they insist on being the odd man out. If their attempt at CB wars was taken over by humor their tantrum would be to lock their mic open so nobody could use the channe.
'Rabbit hunts' became a fun past time, where a few would go mobile and triangulate the signal-until it was tracked to the offender, publically exposing and shaming them. lol More than one highly thought of person got caught red-handed through such endeavors.
All this to say, we all possess an unseen force and use it 24/7 without even being aware we do. Those that 'know' they're using this life force have a greater responsibility to do so in a mannor that causes no harm, IMHO. Those that do eventually will sucumb to the consequences. "What you so you reap' and 'Everything you do comes back ten-fold', etc. has proven itself over and over in my life.
I tried revenge a fewtimes in my life when I felt wronged and it always backfired; it made the situation much worse and made me feel lower than the offender for 'misusing' my energy in such a negative manner.
I have no doubt oliticians and other 1%ers are well aware of this energy and how to manipulate the masses with it. It's so easy to use it either in a possitive or negative manner, and there are some who have the added touch of charisma to make it even more powerful; JFK, MLK and a host of other charismatic speakers come to mind-as well as Hitler.
Same energy source, different application. It's 'conscious intent' that takes it to an entirely new level.
I'm a Watcher; people observer all my life and I'm watching everyone all the time. I'm also a fan of body language; it's easy to hear what people aren't saying, when they're hiding something and when they're deflecting if you know a few simple basics of the art.
Well, that's my blathering musings for the day. lol
I agree with the energy and frequency musing. We've got neuro-linguistic programming which is definitely being used a lot these days as a soft form of mind control.
Which I believe is another reason Kamala failed.
This wasn't a blowjob competition see?

She was set up to fail by leaving her to her own devices.
The funniest example of this is when she talked to a bunch of paid child actors about space. She was outclassed by them! Just be natural and say what's on your mind was their formula for her and I believe she was intentionally allowed to bomb because she was one part of the selling strategy.
Her handlers knew how bad she was at this after receiving 2% of the democratic primary before the previous election.
Her VP staff walked off the job stating she intimidates and attributes blame quite easily but has zero vision in her 'elected' capacity.
Lots of money was indeed thrown at her in this presidential race and yet the MSM at times seemed to become slightly critical of her and slightly optimistic about Trump's chances.
I'm not talking about Fox news but CNN and the others.
They allowed her own energy to tank her.
And now with adults, and not just any type of adult. The type that believes in honor and sacrifice and the willingness to uphold one by volunteering for the other.
You might as well have handed her a lollipop and told her to go to town with it.