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News Flash....

"Dead/Dying internet forum mocks new site seeking to resurrect classical forum atmosphere that everyone on said dying forum wishes to come back....."

I get tired of all the so called intellectuals getting trapped into such defeatist circular thought processes.

This place, Is, the new/"old' forum that alll the contrarians bitch and moan about and lament about how they want the "ol times" back.

(09-21-2024, 01:29 AM)MisterSpock Wrote: "Dead/Dying internet forum mocks new site seeking to resurrect classical forum atmosphere that everyone on said dying forum wishes to come back....."

I get tired of all the so called intellectuals getting trapped into such defeatist circular thought processes.

This place, Is, the new/"old' forum that alll the contrarians bitch and moan about and lament about how they want the "ol times" back.


Well, I am old. I like familiarity.
It is comfortable.