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But Why is the MSM so Effective?

(09-23-2024, 10:11 AM)MykeNukem Wrote:
(09-23-2024, 08:28 AM)JinMI Wrote: The MSM works.  Not as great as it used to obviously but it still functions, profits and holds sway over a large part of the electorate. Has anyone considered why?

I'm of the opinion that it is directly tied to our education system.  With the ever present institution that it has become for indoctrination it also has been reducing standards and restricting methods relating to free thought. 

Instead of teaching from a young age to think, the application has become teach for what to think.

A famous Canadian once said "The medium is the message"

Quote:"The medium is the message" is a phrase coined by the Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan and the name of the first chapter[1] in his Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, published in 1964.[2][3] McLuhan proposes that a communication medium itself, not the messages it carries, should be the primary focus of study.[4] The concept has been applied by others in discussions of technologies from television to the Internet. wiki

I think he was on to something and we're about to see it in real-time with A.I.

Though, you need a dumbed down populace to achieve this....check...✔


Imagine 2-5-10 years into the future with AI.  From drawing up laws, lawsuits, policy and of course rhetoric.  

It's going to be a very strange world to us slightly older folks that grew up at a time before all this existed.  Even more strange for those who will not be able to find work.

And with an education that is baseless and functionless...

(09-23-2024, 10:38 AM)Theatreboy Wrote: I have said this before...obviously not on this site, yet...but:

Read the Books Propaganda and Crystalizing Public Opinion by Edward Bernays.

Bernays worked at times for the OSS and CIA. I believe most, if not all of MK Ultra can be watered down to these 2 books.

When the Church commission exposed Project Mockingbird, that should have been the national wake-up call.  It wasn't and infact it almost was seemingly interpreted as permission to keep acting in propaganda and bad faithed reporting. 

Toss in the repudiation of the Smith-Mundt act and you have a recipe that the Chinese wish they could master.

Messages In This Thread
But Why is the MSM so Effective? - by JinMI - 09-23-2024, 08:28 AM
RE: But Why is the MSM so Effective? - by JinMI - 09-23-2024, 10:44 AM
RE: But Why is the MSM so Effective? - by JinMI - 09-23-2024, 11:00 AM
RE: But Why is the MSM so Effective? - by JinMI - 09-23-2024, 11:13 AM