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Thank god KAMALLLAA took over

Shifting the focus over to her and that loser from MN(I"m from MN) was the best thing to happen to the Biden(did I spell that right? Does anyone "remember him") presidency.

I'd say this guy is out to lunch, but that implies he went out and was coming back at some point.

Biden has either been on a beach somewhere, mumbling nonsense in random rooms that his handlers has brought him to, or worst of all, slapping MAGA hats on his head as he stares out into the void while camera shutters click away.

Thank god for the un elected personal guiding this countries massive military and funds, isolating this puppet from doing any actual damage to the world.

(09-21-2024, 12:54 AM)MisterSpock Wrote: Shifting the focus over to her and that loser from MN(I"m from MN) was the best thing to happen to the Biden(did I spell that right? Does anyone "remember him") presidency.

I'd say this guy is out to lunch, but that implies he went out and was coming back at some point.

Sad to see this. And I am Vietnam Era Veteran that served in Asia at the time. Is the joke on Americans?  :@

It sure feels like some big joke that's for sure.
I can't remeber ever feeling so sad about my country and i'm 64.

This level of stupidity is actually out of controol.

Biden and Democrats are in total ball buster mode. Wait till we see what's next!  :D

(09-21-2024, 12:04 PM)xuenchen Wrote: Biden and Democrats are in total ball buster mode. Wait till we see what's next!  :D

"What's next"

Nothing is off the table, looks like possible WW3 for these chuckleheads.